"That's because I'm a BIG boy now, Mickey. But thank for spending the last 12 months with me. As a lasting memory, I'd like to grab your nose."
We had a great time celebrating his year birthday last Saturday (pics soon to follow this post with that party) and were so grateful our good friends and family could join us. I can't wait to see what the next year has to bring, as it will certainly be hard to top the joy we had this past year:)
Micah doesn't go to the doctor until next week, so I'll make sure to post his stats shortly thereafter.
Things to remember:
- how you started walking this month! A little shy of 11 1/2 months you took your first steps and are just getting better and better each day:)
- how you had your first ear infection, poor baby! But we got through it, and I pray for those to be few and far between.
- how much you love to be outside. You get so excited when the garage opens, and start waving and saying hi with such happiness. You also cry when I try and bring you back in:)
- how you are almost ready to pop through your top two teeth...I can see their whites and know they are so close to showing themselves!
- how you transitioned to cow's milk this month...only!
- how sweet your smile is and how excited you get when you see Mommy and Daddy.
- how you love to say "hi" and "bye" and wave. Sometimes to strangers, or to no one, but I still love how you have become to vocalize.
- how you recognize more and more words...this month include bird, baby, light and fan.