It was a rough week and a half in the Lauffer household!! Thankfully we are, pretty much, over it now...but it was very touch and go there for awhile.
Micah came down with the sickness first. As you can see from the first picture, poor little guy was miserable. He started off with crazy coughing, then went in to his nose running and his eyes having puss coming out of them:( Gross, I know. Turns out he had pink eye in addition to the other crazy cold that was going on. That was two weeks ago Monday. Tuesday night Reid started coughing and had the runny nose, and my throat was starting to feel sore. That's when I texted Christian (who was in London, England!) and said "I can't make it. I need your parents." It was more out of desperation than anything, but thankfully Christian took me seriously, and even more thankfully, Christian's parents were able to drop what they were doing and come out and help me for a couple of days even though they live outside of Detroit.

We woke up Wednesday morning, eagerly anticipating Grandma and Grandpa's arrival, and Reid was down for the count. Turns out he came down with croup in addition to his runny nose, and he was in sad condition. He laid on me from about 10:30am - 7pm that evening...with maybe only 30 minutes of a break while trying to eat something. He lasted in his crib for a couple hours before being pulled in to my bed for the remainder of the night. Combine that with the fact that I'm not feeling well either at this point, and I am SO grateful for Grandma and Grandpa's help. I seriously don't think I would have survived!
Sick baby boy and a sick Momma.
Where we spend much of the day.
The next day, more of the same.
Me and my two boys. Life of a momma :)
We are somehow surviving, and as if we weren't dealing with enough, poor Micah broke out in hives Thursday. And again on Friday. And Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Below is a pic from one of those break-outs. I felt so bad for him! It's so tough seeing your kiddo miserably uncomfortable and not be able to help him or stop it from coming again. He was MISERABLE. A trip to the doctor's office the following Monday and it was predicted it was a viral reaction to the crazy cold Micah had, so a prescription of Zyrtec for two weeks after the last hive and we'll see what happens.
Not a great picture of Reid, but you can see the redness under his eyes. Because he, too, came down with the dreaded pink eye.
Micah with Zrytec in hand, starting to feel a
little better. You can see the redness on his face, which was from constant nose wiping in addition to constant nose blowing! 'Tis the season, right? Except it seems to be starting a bit early...
Here we are, two weeks later, and both boys are finally on the mend! Their coughs are still there, but the nose running is slight, pink eye is gone, hives are seemed to be kept at bay, and we are making progress. Hopefully we'll stay well for awhile before a winter bug hits us again!