So, I'm figuring this whole blog thing out - this is my first attempt - but it's something I've been wanting to do for quite some time now. And now that we have a 2 week old boy, I decided it's about time I actually take the plunge and start my own blog. I don't know how creative I'll be or how much I'll keep up with the blog, but I'm hoping it's something I can look back at and have many, many memories of our family.
A couple of things I want to remember about the last two weeks after Micah's birth (born May 31st, 2010 at 3:38am) include:
- how utterly and completely in love I am with this little boy...I never knew the kind of love that I feel was possible. I thought I already knew how to love with all of my heart, with everything that I have. I now understand the love of a parent and am able to comprehend how much larger your heart grows to account for the love of a child.
- how supportive my husband has been through this life changing experience...Christian has been amazing, picking up where I am unable to (dishes, laundry, house cleaning, cooking) while I am focused on taking care of our son. I am blessed to have a man who unconditionally loves God, loves me, and now loves our child.
- how much I love being a mother...to know instantaneously my title changed to include "mom" and the uneasiness that might bring to some...it's the most amazing thing in the world and I feel like it's such a natural part of my life and can't imagine life any other way.
- how adorable Micah is when you go to put something in his mouth and he shakes his head back and forth before giving in to whatever you are placing in his mouth
- how absolutely precious Micah is when he cries - even though he is upset, it's the cutest cry in the world
- how Micah likes to see the world - even attempting to do so by wanting to come out face first and sending me into a c-section...often times we call him the one-eyed bandit because he will open only one eye, as if trying to decide if it's worth waking up for or not. He also tends to be very alert much of the day, in between sleep, feedings and diaper changes. His eyes are beautiful and I could stare at them all day.
- how I dread going to bed at night knowing I'll be up in 3-4 (or 2) hours to feed Micah. I know one day I will miss those night feedings, but right now I am quite exhausted when waking up in the morning
- how my husband had an emergency appendectomy 10 days after I gave birth, and was rushed to the ER by my mom (who thankfully was in town)...therefore causing both of us to have surgery in 1 1/2 weeks and to be under doctor's orders to rest and relax, with a 10 day old baby at home!
There are so many more things that I have enjoyed, learned, and experienced over the last 2 weeks, but the above list is just a snapshot of the new life that Christian and I are now living. More to come in the future.
Yay for blogging! I'm so excited for more stories and pictures of your sweet Micah, but most of all excited that you are on this crazy journey of motherhood. You are a natural!