Christian and I went to one of his co-workers wedding last night in Chicago, which was my first night away from Micah (and first time for more than 2 1/2 hours). I was excited to go, knew Micah was in good hands as Aunt Kari was babysitting him, but was also apprehensive about being gone for 8+ hours. He's not even 7 weeks yet! All in all, however, we had a great time and it was nice to get out and socialize without the little guy. It helped that the wedding was the nicest wedding I have ever been to BY FAR! And I only called/texted Kari once each while there, which I thought was pretty good for me. It was still comforting to get home and see Micah sound asleep in his crib. Might I mention that he also had his best night of sleeping yet - going from 8:15pm-1:30am and then 2-5:30. Good job buddy - and thanks Aunt Kari.
Below are a couple of recent pictures of Micah at 6 weeks. We just love this little guy, and can't believe how quickly he is growing. In two weeks we'll be at the doctor for his 2 month check-up. Wow, time flies by!

Ya'll look great! I am so glad y'all had a great night out and that Micah had a great last 24 hours. Go Micah!