Last weekend, on a beautiful fall day, we had our first professional family photo shoot since the day Micah was born. My friend Noelle (who also happens to be my sitter for Micah when I am working) is a photographer, and we hired her to take some great shots of our family...and she did not disappoint! There were so many great shots, as you can tell from what's below, that we had a hard time choosing which ones we actually wanted to blow up and frame. Micah was such a trooper throughout the shoot, really only crying when we tried to give him kisses on the cheek:) He is so expressive and I just love seeing more and more of his personality as he continues to grow. I love that little boy so much - and I love his Daddy just the same:) Enjoy just a few of our favorites below.

Aw-w-w-! You just gotta love them baby blue eyes (all 3 sets!). What a smile! I love you, Precious Boy.