Micah's 10 months today! I know I say this every month, but I can't believe how fast time is going and how big my baby boy is getting. We have had quite a busy 2 weeks, traveling to Atlanta, Seattle, and Vancouver (and next weekend we head to St.Louis) and I'm sure Micah will be happy to finally be back home and settled for a bit, before the summer traveling starts up!
I have no doctor stats as we don't go again until he's one year (which is only 2 months away...yikes!!) but I do feel that he's grown in both height and weight and I'm sure is past the 20 pound mark now. Funny though, while we were in Vancouver...or actually Whistler...in line for a gondola ride up the mountain, the woman behind me asked how old he was, and then said what a small 10 months he was! She said she had an 8 month old at home who was way bigger than Micah. It was just so funny to hear, because ever since Micah's been born all I've heard is how big he is, so to actually hear the words "small" come out of someone's mouth took me by surprise. He was, however, in the 38% for weight last month, so that's definitely not as big as he started out (aka 93%:)).
I have no doctor stats as we don't go again until he's one year (which is only 2 months away...yikes!!) but I do feel that he's grown in both height and weight and I'm sure is past the 20 pound mark now. Funny though, while we were in Vancouver...or actually Whistler...in line for a gondola ride up the mountain, the woman behind me asked how old he was, and then said what a small 10 months he was! She said she had an 8 month old at home who was way bigger than Micah. It was just so funny to hear, because ever since Micah's been born all I've heard is how big he is, so to actually hear the words "small" come out of someone's mouth took me by surprise. He was, however, in the 38% for weight last month, so that's definitely not as big as he started out (aka 93%:)).

"Hey Momma."
Things to remember this month:
- how you just continue to talk up a storm, and the word of the month has been "momma" and "ba...ba..." (pointing at lights or fans, etc)
- how social you are becoming, especially when we are out to eat...you love to grab the attention of any stranger who will give it to you and start pulling out all your tricks
- speaking of tricks, you have quite the plethora to choose from and have used them numerous times this month...blowing kisses, clapping, waving, catching kisses, playing peek-a-boo, smiling and playing shy, mimicking facial gestures (smacking lips and tongue on lips)
- how you have begun to learn the art of flirting (smiling and laughing at those strangers)...boy, do we have to worry when you grow up
- how you got sick for the first time, throwing up and all:(
- how you have become very steady on your feet and pulling up and walking with toys
- how you have even stood by yourself for a few seconds here and there
- how we noticed the dare devil inside of you - no matter if you get hurt in the process, you'll be right back at whatever you were doing...hmmm, maybe there's a little bit of stubbornness/strong willed in there too:)
- how you love to use your momma as a playground
- how you love to grab your daddy's glasses off his face
- how much you love to be read to
- how you like to drop things and watch them fall, constantly:)
We love you Micah! You are the sweetest boy we know and are so glad you are ours...
Well... we know where the strong-will comes from! (Both sides, right?!?) And I remember a certain little girl who "never met a stranger" no matter where she was.