Micah got his cast on Monday and what a little trooper he was. He hardly squirmed and sat so still while they wrapped his arm, almost seeming to be more interested in the nurse with the blue gloves than the actual fiberglass going around his arm:)
When we arrived at the orthopaedic office, we had to wait about a half-hour, so Micah took full advantage of roaming around with one parent, while the other parent waited by the office for our name to be called. When we were back in the patient room, the athletic trainer (the precursor to the doctor) told us a couple people had come back and said "There is the cutest little boy out there!" to which she replied, "Ya, he's our patient." :) Well, who were we to argue with that, haha. When the doctor came in to look at the x-ray, she said Micah was extra special because he broke not one but BOTH bones in his arm. She sent us in for another x-ray to make sure that the break still looked the same and had not become worse over the weekend (which was in fact the case, thank goodness!) and then brought in her team to administer the cast. Dr. Pelegrin also told us that in such young children they rarely do surgeries, even with angulation (which Micah has with one of his two breaks) because the kids grow so fast. There might even be the chance that his bone heals with the bend in it, but it should straighten out on its own in time. Hopefully that is the case with Micah!
When we arrived at the orthopaedic office, we had to wait about a half-hour, so Micah took full advantage of roaming around with one parent, while the other parent waited by the office for our name to be called. When we were back in the patient room, the athletic trainer (the precursor to the doctor) told us a couple people had come back and said "There is the cutest little boy out there!" to which she replied, "Ya, he's our patient." :) Well, who were we to argue with that, haha. When the doctor came in to look at the x-ray, she said Micah was extra special because he broke not one but BOTH bones in his arm. She sent us in for another x-ray to make sure that the break still looked the same and had not become worse over the weekend (which was in fact the case, thank goodness!) and then brought in her team to administer the cast. Dr. Pelegrin also told us that in such young children they rarely do surgeries, even with angulation (which Micah has with one of his two breaks) because the kids grow so fast. There might even be the chance that his bone heals with the bend in it, but it should straighten out on its own in time. Hopefully that is the case with Micah!
He really did such an amazing job at the doctor office, and was treated with a little trip to Portillo's (well, maybe that was more for mom and dad, but he didn't seem to mind:)). Sleeping still appears to be our biggest struggle, as I think he is just in some discomfort - and possibly a little bit of pain? I think it's hard for him to go back to sleep in the morning once he wakes, as was shown by his 4:50am wake-up call today. Hopefully that is figured out really quickly, otherwise it's going to be a LONG 4 weeks. Oh - and that's the other positive news that came from the appointment. I was really expecting to hear between 6-8 weeks (especially with 2 broken bones, and the one as bad as it was) but the doctor said because he's so young the healing time is that much quicker, and 4 weeks should be all that is needed. Don't get me wrong, 4 weeks is still a long time, but much better than the 6-8!
And that is the update. Thankfully Christian was able to cancel his flight to New York (which I wasn't thrilled that he was flying on the 10th anniversary of 9/11 anyways!) and has been here this week to help. Otherwise it would have been a much longer 3 days.
**I also have a video of Micah getting his cast, but it's too large right now, so if I can figure out how to shrink it a bit, I'll include that as well.
And that is the update. Thankfully Christian was able to cancel his flight to New York (which I wasn't thrilled that he was flying on the 10th anniversary of 9/11 anyways!) and has been here this week to help. Otherwise it would have been a much longer 3 days.
**I also have a video of Micah getting his cast, but it's too large right now, so if I can figure out how to shrink it a bit, I'll include that as well.

Oh he's just so cute! I agree with all the people at the doctor's office. Of course, I am a little biased too... I miss him!! I love the pictures of him with the blue hands :)