Last Saturday Christian and I took Micah to his first swimming class...and possibly his last:) Okay, we won't give up that easily, but Micah had a melt down like no other about 5 minutes in to the start of the class (not because he was afraid of the water, but because he was forced to give back the cup he was playing with to move on to the next planned activity) which caused us to leave 15 minutes in. He screamed inconsolably for about 20 minutes before he finally gave in to tiredness...we had never seen anything like it! And poor Christian, who was the one in the water with him:( Oh well - such is life and we'll give it a go next week and see what happens.
Today, Micah had his first "Tot Rock" class which had nothing to do with water or cups (thank goodness!) and everything to do with music. He loved it! And of the 3 boys in the class, he was the best behaved:) What a change from Saturday. I tried to capture a couple of pictures with my phone, so pardon the blurry shot of Micah excitedly showing me his bean bags.

As we were leaving class and saying bye, Micah and another girl literally went right up to each other and kissed...hahahaha...starting too early there, little guy! But it was pretty cute too:) Anyways - we are definitely looking forward to this class next week and although hard for me to believe my little boy is in park district classes already, it's also fun to watch him interacting with other kiddos his own age. What fun in store for us:)
This is like Christians early encounters with water. Quite a challenge.