I am halfway there! It's been a bit of a rough pregnancy, seeing that I'm still experiencing sick days and have had some major cramping issues occurring. I'm getting good days mixed in with the bad, however, and know it's all worth it because I'm growing a little human being inside my belly! So when I hit the 20 week mark yesterday, I realized I'm getting closer and closer to Micah's sibling becoming a reality. We get to find out the sex soon, and plan to announce it via our Christmas cards - so all should know soon enough:)
The picture below shows me at 20 weeks with Micah, and then with this baby. I'm clearly bigger this time around:) but I guess that's bound to happen seeing that my belly was stretched out pretty large last time around, haha. It's not so bad at this point, but knowing how large I will be getting in the next 20 weeks seems a bit frightening to think about. Oh well - such is life!

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