Less than one month...less than 4 weeks...baby will be here in no time at all! I can't believe it's coming so soon. Well, on one hand I can - because pregnancy is a stinkin' long time, and I think these last four weeks will drag on at times, and fly at others. Either way though, it's coming soon. I have my official last day of work scheduled (April 13th) and an official c-section date scheduled if needed (April 25th) and both of those events let me know it's soon. One more week and it will be April - baby's due date month! And, Christian and I finally decided on a name...progress definitely being made.
I feel pretty good still, though this past week has been rougher than others. For some reason, it feels like I've grown immensely in a short time frame, which I guess makes sense since my baby updates say that baby is putting on lots of weight at this point (joy...). I also measured the same I have throughout my entire pregnancy at my midwife appointment this week, however, and gained nothing in 10 days time. So clearly I'm right where I need to be, but I'm just getting big. That's what pregnancy is in the last month:) The 85 degree heat for the past week and a half has certainly not helped either!
If you compare my pregnancy with Micah and this one, I look to be fairly close in size based on the pictures. I'm consistently measuring about 2 cm smaller each midwife visit, and am probably about 3-5 pounds less, so I'm crossing my fingers that means baby will be a little smaller, but maybe he's just waiting until the last 3+ weeks to catch up:) Time will tell!
The other thing I'm beginning to struggle with a bit is how I'm going to juggle the time with Micah and the newborn. I know it's good, and I'm sure Micah will be a great big brother, but I also question how it will be possible to love this little baby inside of me as much as I love Micah. Moms do it all the time, right? Lots and lots of families are not only child families, and there's clearly a reason for it and a way to function. Lots and lots of moms figure out how to share their love - but I have to believe it grows versus being split. How my heart can grow any bigger is unknown to me, but I know it grew when I met Christian and fell in love with him, and has grown even more since having Micah. It's not like I love Christian any less, now that my love is split between the 2 boys in my life, so I'm sure that just means it's growing even more to make room for the third boy about to enter my life. It's just a crazy thing to think about and a somewhat impossible thing to comprehend until I'm actually placed in that position (which will be sooner than later, I know!).

Not to mention, he just loves to ham it up for the camera when he can see himself:)

And what a better way to top off the day than a trip to the park to enjoy the beautiful weather?
Thank you God for blessing me with such an amazing life. I pray I never take it for granted, and even though it's about to become exponentially harder, I feel it's also about to become even more meaningful. I pray I always look for the little things that make me smile and cause me to remember how great You are!
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