And he's killing me at night :)
Seriously, Reid is so enamored with this standing thing that he's doing it constantly and it's compromising the sleep we were getting with him, just as we were getting into a really good place. Reid figured out how to stand on our vacation in Hilton Head, we were home for a week, and then at my parents house for the next 4-5 days. Since we've been back, he's been struggling with his sleep, both at naps and bed and middle of the night. After sleep training Reid a couple of months back, he has done really well with his naps, and we have rarely had an issue going to bed at night. This past week, however, he's determined to stand within seconds of being placed in the crib. If I don't place him in his crib very drowsy and even pat him for a few seconds, I have no shot of him falling asleep easily.
I know some reading this might say "just let him cry, he'll figure it out" but I honestly believe he doesn't know how to get back down, and don't feel that I can let him cry for hours. Two nights ago I let him go for 30+ minutes, and when I went in he was covered in snot, sweaty, red faced and tear stained. What an awful feeling. I picked him up, comforted him, and he went out almost instantaneously.
So, I'm waiting it out. This too shall pass, and I know in the big picture, this is such a small window of time. It's not super exciting, mind you, as I'm laying on the floor outside Reid's room last night with the monitor in hand and going in there to place him back down each and every time he stood up in his crib (upwards of 30+ times over 2 1/2 hours!) until he finally gave in and went to sleep. Although, his not eating for 12 hours was a bonus...maybe we'll actually kick that last feeding in this whole process...who knows (looking for the silver lining here :)).
We will see how long this lasts - clearly I'm praying for sooner than later. A quick google search and I discovered it's a very common issue to encounter and that most times it seems to last around 2ish weeks. I'm telling ya, there's no manual for this stuff! Even in my exhausted state of mind right now, I know I am beyond blessed with this little life (who is already 7 months!) and would gladly get up with him every night if he needs it because I love him so much and the time is passing way too quickly.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Monday, November 26, 2012
"I feel good"
We constantly ask Micah how he's doing when we greet him in the morning, and lately he's been responding with "I feel good." It's so cute! We usually have to ask him specific questions so that he can answer us, because a general question doesn't usually get him responding, but in the last couple days we'll just say "How are you feeling today, Micah?" to which he says, "I feel good." Ah, maybe more of a moment where you have to be there to fully understand, but one I wanted to document nonetheless.
Change to blog privacy coming soon
I have decided to make my blog private - but would love any and all who currently read the blog to continue being able to do so. This change will occur in January, 2013. Please replay to this post or shoot me an email ( and let me know your email address and I'll add you to the list that grants you access to the blog.
Thanks so much for reading!
Thanks so much for reading!
Sunday, November 25, 2012
7 months; time is flying!!
Reid had a good set of pictures this month :) So much so, I clearly had a hard time narrowing it...I just love how happy he is, and how many different facial expressions he has amidst all of his smiling. Such a happy boy.
We've had another busy month that started with pushing to a sitting position and moved into crawling and standing. This boy is on the move...constantly! It's so, so fun...although quite exhausting now :) I was just joking with a couple of friends about how Reid missed out on all the toys that he can play with while just sitting still, lol. He's on the move too much to truly take in a toy sometimes! I remember saying this with Micah as well, and while I have [mostly] enjoyed every stage, this is my favorite so far. He's continues to be more and more interactive and expressive and I love it!!
Dr. stats: 16 pounds, 12 ounces (40% - I think)
Things to remember this month:
We love you baby Reid. I can't believe you're already closer to 1 year than you are your birth. Wow, time just goes too, too quickly.

We've had another busy month that started with pushing to a sitting position and moved into crawling and standing. This boy is on the move...constantly! It's so, so fun...although quite exhausting now :) I was just joking with a couple of friends about how Reid missed out on all the toys that he can play with while just sitting still, lol. He's on the move too much to truly take in a toy sometimes! I remember saying this with Micah as well, and while I have [mostly] enjoyed every stage, this is my favorite so far. He's continues to be more and more interactive and expressive and I love it!!
Dr. stats: 16 pounds, 12 ounces (40% - I think)
Things to remember this month:
- how you started crawling less than a week in to this month
- how less than one week later (on vacation, no less) you learned how to stand and haven't looked back!
- how you took your first bath in the big boy tub and continue to absolutely love every second of it, even when you take tumbles face first because you're determined to crawl around the tub
- how we have lowered your crib all the way because of your standing
- how you get stuck when standing in your crib and cry out to be rescued because you haven't quite mastered how to get down yet
- how you have, for the most part, cut down to only 1 feeding at night now...yay! that hasn't been easy but I think you're finally starting to get it :)
- how you have started to realize I'm leaving when I put you down for a nap and have thus started crying a little harder...the beginnings of separation anxiety, maybe?
- how you started solids (and puffs just a couple of days ago), which you hated at first...but as long as it's warmed up enough, you are generally pretty good now
- how sensitive of a boy you are - needing just the right temperature in your room at night (thus the heater), your food warmed up just enough, your skin needing aquaphor every night...we just love you so much Reid
- how you have an awesome pyeradactile sound when you laugh (just like Micah at this age!)
- how much more expressive and interactive you have become this month
- how happy you are much of the day
- how much you and your brother love each other and have begun to even "play" with each other this month
We love you baby Reid. I can't believe you're already closer to 1 year than you are your birth. Wow, time just goes too, too quickly.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
"A Letter To My 51 Year Old Self"
A friend posted this link on facebook the other day, and I thought it was a well written blog entry for all parents. For the sake of having it recorded, I also wanted to get the original on my blog.
I wonder if you’ve become one of those women who briefly lingers around, a safe distance behind, young moms carting their babies and toddlers through the grocery store with that far-off look in your eyes. If you gently smile at the mom when she looks up and catches your glance, obviously frazzled by how challenging taking 2 kids grocery shopping is, as if to tell her it’s going to be okay. If you look at her and miss that time, want so badly to trade 5 minutes of the independence you have now that your kids are much older so that you can rest a toddler’s head on your shoulder, or buckle a baby in their car seat, mindful not to pinch any belly chub in the harness.
I have a feeling that you might be, and there are some things I want you to know, some things I’m willing you to remember.
I want you to remember that they were the hardest thing you’d ever done. They challenged you, and they kept you up at night. They pushed your buttons, and they were never, ever quiet… unless they were in trouble. I want you to remember that you loved them the hardest you’ve ever loved anything, from day one, and every day after that.
I want you to know that you were completely overwhelmed nearly all the time. The thought of taking them anywhere by yourself made you want to hide in bed all day. You were overwhelmed by the responsibility. You had NO clue what you were doing. You were overwhelmed by how much they trusted you and how much they needed you. You were overwhelmed by how much you needed and loved them.
I want you to remember how it felt to lay side by side next to your 4-year-old before he drifted off to sleep. How you talked face to face, nose to nose, about his day. How you told him you were excited to see how much he would grow by the morning, and how in the morning you’d lay in bed next to him and stretch his arms and legs out, exclaiming, “LOOK HOW MUCH YOU GREW LAST NIGHT!” How that put the biggest smile on his face.
I want you to remember what it felt like to hold your 18 month old on your lap, wrapping your arms around her and laying them on her bulging tummy. How the back of her head and the handful of baby curls at the nape of her neck felt and smelled when you rested your head atop hers.
I want you to know that you were acutely aware of how fast they were growing. Even though many days would pass in the blink of an eye, there would always be a moment when your world would snap to a halt, and you would look at them while they were doing something mundane and normal, and you would be painfully conscious that they were no longer the size they were last week, and that they would never be the size they are at that moment again.
I want you to know that you went to bed every night with one simple wish for the next day. To just do better.
Even though you were tired and challenged, exasperated and overwhelmed, you knew then that you would miss these days…most of them, at least. It was a truth that was hard to live with, and most of the time you ignored it because there was nothing you could do about the passing of time. If you spent your days mourning the ones that had gone by, you’d miss out on the days you were living in.
You knew you were on a light rail, moving at speeds you couldn’t comprehend. You had no control over the ride that brought you to where you are today, but believe me when I say you searched so very hard to find the emergency brake.
Please know, please remember that you tried to savor that time. Be at peace, knowing you spent late afternoons curled up with them on the couch, that sometimes you just sat and watched them move and run, that occasionally you took inventory of all the things they’d learned in the last week, and that you appreciated your time with them the best you knew how. Know that despite your very best efforts, there was no way to freeze time.
I promise you, you tried.
A Letter To My 51 Year Old Self
Dear Me 20 Years From Now,I wonder if you’ve become one of those women who briefly lingers around, a safe distance behind, young moms carting their babies and toddlers through the grocery store with that far-off look in your eyes. If you gently smile at the mom when she looks up and catches your glance, obviously frazzled by how challenging taking 2 kids grocery shopping is, as if to tell her it’s going to be okay. If you look at her and miss that time, want so badly to trade 5 minutes of the independence you have now that your kids are much older so that you can rest a toddler’s head on your shoulder, or buckle a baby in their car seat, mindful not to pinch any belly chub in the harness.
I have a feeling that you might be, and there are some things I want you to know, some things I’m willing you to remember.
I want you to remember that they were the hardest thing you’d ever done. They challenged you, and they kept you up at night. They pushed your buttons, and they were never, ever quiet… unless they were in trouble. I want you to remember that you loved them the hardest you’ve ever loved anything, from day one, and every day after that.
I want you to know that you were completely overwhelmed nearly all the time. The thought of taking them anywhere by yourself made you want to hide in bed all day. You were overwhelmed by the responsibility. You had NO clue what you were doing. You were overwhelmed by how much they trusted you and how much they needed you. You were overwhelmed by how much you needed and loved them.
I want you to remember how it felt to lay side by side next to your 4-year-old before he drifted off to sleep. How you talked face to face, nose to nose, about his day. How you told him you were excited to see how much he would grow by the morning, and how in the morning you’d lay in bed next to him and stretch his arms and legs out, exclaiming, “LOOK HOW MUCH YOU GREW LAST NIGHT!” How that put the biggest smile on his face.
I want you to remember what it felt like to hold your 18 month old on your lap, wrapping your arms around her and laying them on her bulging tummy. How the back of her head and the handful of baby curls at the nape of her neck felt and smelled when you rested your head atop hers.
I want you to know that you were acutely aware of how fast they were growing. Even though many days would pass in the blink of an eye, there would always be a moment when your world would snap to a halt, and you would look at them while they were doing something mundane and normal, and you would be painfully conscious that they were no longer the size they were last week, and that they would never be the size they are at that moment again.
I want you to know that you went to bed every night with one simple wish for the next day. To just do better.
Even though you were tired and challenged, exasperated and overwhelmed, you knew then that you would miss these days…most of them, at least. It was a truth that was hard to live with, and most of the time you ignored it because there was nothing you could do about the passing of time. If you spent your days mourning the ones that had gone by, you’d miss out on the days you were living in.
You knew you were on a light rail, moving at speeds you couldn’t comprehend. You had no control over the ride that brought you to where you are today, but believe me when I say you searched so very hard to find the emergency brake.
Please know, please remember that you tried to savor that time. Be at peace, knowing you spent late afternoons curled up with them on the couch, that sometimes you just sat and watched them move and run, that occasionally you took inventory of all the things they’d learned in the last week, and that you appreciated your time with them the best you knew how. Know that despite your very best efforts, there was no way to freeze time.
I promise you, you tried.
Whoa, sleep!
Reid went 11 straight hours last night! That's the best that he's ever, ever, done and I feel sooooo rested today. He went down at 7pm, fussed around 12:30 (which, shockingly, I didn't even hear, but Christian did!) and then next thing I knew I was waking at 5:45 on my own. What just happened??!!? Oh, Reid slept! A.MAZ.ING. He then woke at 6, I went and fed him and he laid back down until 7:15am. I will take that night any day of the week. I know it's only one night, but I truly hope it's a sign of what's to come in the near future. Now I know he CAN do it, it's just a matter of if he WILL do it.
I'm not expecting this to happen again tonight (although it would be amazing if it did!) but for the first time since Reid was born, I can get a little taste of what it will be like to sleep through the night again :) Thank you sweet Reid for this taste!
I'm not expecting this to happen again tonight (although it would be amazing if it did!) but for the first time since Reid was born, I can get a little taste of what it will be like to sleep through the night again :) Thank you sweet Reid for this taste!
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Hilton Head...the end (finally!)
Ten posts later, I'm finally at the end of our vacation. :)
What a great week we had, and I have to say that traveling with 2 kids under the age of 2 1/2 could have been a recipe for disaster. Our last flight with Micah was last December, which ended in us coming home early, and I really didn't want a repeat this time around. Thankfully that didn't happen, and aside from Reid's night time sleep (or lack there of at times - the last night there he was up for 3 hours straight :( ) and Micah's periodic melt downs - par for the course, and we are figuring how to handle them a little better, it went as best as could be expected.
What a great week we had, and I have to say that traveling with 2 kids under the age of 2 1/2 could have been a recipe for disaster. Our last flight with Micah was last December, which ended in us coming home early, and I really didn't want a repeat this time around. Thankfully that didn't happen, and aside from Reid's night time sleep (or lack there of at times - the last night there he was up for 3 hours straight :( ) and Micah's periodic melt downs - par for the course, and we are figuring how to handle them a little better, it went as best as could be expected.
This is random in this post, yet such a fun picture, as Micah just went and hugged Reid while Reid was crawling around. Micah tends to overwhelm Reid with his love ;)
Capping off our vacation was S'More night at the resort. It just happened to be the last night we were there, and Micah was SO excited to go camping, like "Ew Ah" (curious george, for those of you that don't speak Micahease). There's a story with CG camping, and Micah constantly talks about wanting to camp with Ew Ah, Daddy and the man with the yellow hat. Next year Christian has promised to take Micah camping...I think that will be a fantastic father/son memory!
S'Mores were the perfect way to end a pretty great vacation...

Back to the airport, praying for another positive traveling experience. Believe it or not, it was better than the flight out! Partially due to Reid's being up the night before, I think he was just so exhausted, that he literally slept the entire flight. So much easier to keep the peace with sleeping kids:) Prior to the flight, however, I snapped these pictures of the boys looking out the window at the planes taking off. Reid, with his new mobility, opens him up to a whole new world of exploring.

And there you go - first vacation as a family of 4 - SUCCESS!
Coligny Beach, Hilton Head Island
Our last full day on vacation was beautiful! We hadn't been able to see Coligny Beach yet, which was supposedly the "town center" if there was one in Hilton Head, so off we went for lunch and discovered a beautiful section of town with a fountain and rocking chairs and swings and wooden benches. I decided to try and get the boys together again, just in case I wasn't pleased with the pictures from our Sea Pines day.
I'm definitely glad we did - I just can't get enough of my two kiddos :)
Finally off to the beach. Micah was so excited, but would not let go of his milk, haha.
I'm definitely glad we did - I just can't get enough of my two kiddos :)

I love the faces of both Reid and Micah in the next sequence of pictures. They are so expressive and just totally look like brothers to me!

Not even planned (obviously) yet the same facial expression. Love.It.

Gotta love a boy and his milk :)
Photoshoot with My Boys
Christian's mom has been asking us for a picture of the two boys for some time now, and we just haven't been able to get a good one to give her. My goal during vacation was to try and get some good shots of the boys as well as a good family picture...and while we didn't get a great family picture, I do think we got some good one of the boys. Reid is such a sweet, happy go-lucky little baby (until the night time comes, haha) and Micah, when he wants to be, is the sweetest, most kind-hearted, loving little boy. Micah, as most know, has very little middle really don't have to question what he's feeling, and we were able to get the happy Micah while taking these pictures.
I just love my little family and am so blessed to be able to go through life, day in and day out with them all!
I just love my little family and am so blessed to be able to go through life, day in and day out with them all!


Completely unprompted, Micah leaned over to give Reid kisses.

These brothers truly love each other; melts this Momma's heart.

Happy boy!

I love Reid just taking me in - he loves his Momma :)

Micah was losing interest at this point. I can't imagine why - Christian and I hardly take any pictures...

Sweet smile! I love this picture.

And this is our family picture attempt...could be better, could be worse... but either way just confirms how blessed I am!
Sea Pines, Hilton Head Island
After a couple dreary days, we finally had another picturesque day and traveled to the toe of Hilton Head Island known as Sea Pines. Reading up on it, Sea Pines apparently is the happening place that is active from sun up to sun down. We weren't able to do all we wanted to but took advantage of the time we had as well as the beautiful day to be outside and sight see.
One of the highlights we wanted to do was climb the lighthouse below but it wasn't open when we arrived so we had some time to kill. Unfortunately Micah was in one of his cranky moods for half the time, so we made the most of it... ;) Reid slept on me, we chilled in some awesome red rocking chairs, and then visited a park after Reid woke and Micah played (last post). On the way back to the lighthouse, we stopped at the red rockers for a photo shoot with the boys (next post) and then finally did what our initial intent was...climbing the lighthouse!
One of the highlights we wanted to do was climb the lighthouse below but it wasn't open when we arrived so we had some time to kill. Unfortunately Micah was in one of his cranky moods for half the time, so we made the most of it... ;) Reid slept on me, we chilled in some awesome red rocking chairs, and then visited a park after Reid woke and Micah played (last post). On the way back to the lighthouse, we stopped at the red rockers for a photo shoot with the boys (next post) and then finally did what our initial intent was...climbing the lighthouse!

The lighthouse we came to climb.

Taking in the beautiful view in front of us...Micah didn't want to be bothered so he was in the rocking chairs by himself.

Some amazing yachts to be found in Sea Pines.

Reid napping while I relaxed.

Micah showing the mood he was in for the first half of the morning.

Finally climbing the lighthouse - Micah did great going up and down the many steps!

View from the top.
After we left the lighthouse area we stopped by Lawton Stables for some petting zoo fun. Found in the zoo were your typical animals with the addition of a very aggressive deer that was roaming free. It was pretty amazing at first, and then annoying and anxiety producing as you had to be on your guard to keep the deer away if you wanted to have any chance at feeding the other animals. I had on a scarf, and the deer 2 or 3 times literally snuck up on me and tried to eat my scarf...but aside from that, it was a fun adventure!

We had planned to go back in the afternoon after nap times and take in the sunset since this is really the only spot on the island to get a great view, but Reid was having a rough afternoon and we decided doing take-out that night was a better plan :) I guess we'll just have to make a trip back to Hilton Head Island in the future to see that sunset!
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