We've had another busy month that started with pushing to a sitting position and moved into crawling and standing. This boy is on the move...constantly! It's so, so fun...although quite exhausting now :) I was just joking with a couple of friends about how Reid missed out on all the toys that he can play with while just sitting still, lol. He's on the move too much to truly take in a toy sometimes! I remember saying this with Micah as well, and while I have [mostly] enjoyed every stage, this is my favorite so far. He's continues to be more and more interactive and expressive and I love it!!
Dr. stats: 16 pounds, 12 ounces (40% - I think)
Things to remember this month:
- how you started crawling less than a week in to this month
- how less than one week later (on vacation, no less) you learned how to stand and haven't looked back!
- how you took your first bath in the big boy tub and continue to absolutely love every second of it, even when you take tumbles face first because you're determined to crawl around the tub
- how we have lowered your crib all the way because of your standing
- how you get stuck when standing in your crib and cry out to be rescued because you haven't quite mastered how to get down yet
- how you have, for the most part, cut down to only 1 feeding at night now...yay! that hasn't been easy but I think you're finally starting to get it :)
- how you have started to realize I'm leaving when I put you down for a nap and have thus started crying a little harder...the beginnings of separation anxiety, maybe?
- how you started solids (and puffs just a couple of days ago), which you hated at first...but as long as it's warmed up enough, you are generally pretty good now
- how sensitive of a boy you are - needing just the right temperature in your room at night (thus the heater), your food warmed up just enough, your skin needing aquaphor every night...we just love you so much Reid
- how you have an awesome pyeradactile sound when you laugh (just like Micah at this age!)
- how much more expressive and interactive you have become this month
- how happy you are much of the day
- how much you and your brother love each other and have begun to even "play" with each other this month
We love you baby Reid. I can't believe you're already closer to 1 year than you are your birth. Wow, time just goes too, too quickly.
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