On another note, my dear husband did not fair so well today. On his way out the door this morning he stood up from tying his shoes and nailed his head on the corner of the half wall. It was a pretty loud bang, and within 2 minutes I hear him calling for me to get him a towel 'cause he's bleeding. 20 minutes later after applying pressure and ice, I analyze the wound and tell him I didn't feel comfortable with him going in to work today without getting it checked out first. I looked up Urgent Care, and off he went. A half-hour later he's getting 4 staples in his head. Ouch! Praise the Lord it wasn't worse than that, but wow, what a way to start off the day.
The positive that came from it (for me, anyways:)) is that he did in fact stay home from work. He was more tired than usual and dealing with head soreness that he needed to rest, per doctor's orders. So at least we got to see a little more of Daddy today, staples and all.
It helped having him around as the potty training day 2 began. I have to say, Micah is doing wonderful! Yesterday we went through 6 undies when all was said and done, today was only 2. And the 1st one was really only minor wetness. He's been great at staying dry, and only resisted a couple of times when I asked him to go on the potty. One time was because I could tell he needed to go, but he was in the middle of watching Mickey and he didn't want to leave. That's my struggle - I don't want him to have an accident because he'd rather not take the time to go, but I also don't want to force him to go to the point that he hates the potty and begins refusing it all together.
But, aside from that thought, I'm thoroughly impressed with my big boy! Two days done, and 11 times on the potty today. We have yet to go #2, so I'm still a little anxious to see how that plays out. Maybe tomorrow I'll get to see it firsthand. Anyone reading this have any tips/suggestions/words of advice? I'm all ears! Especially what to expect moving forward...
Here are today's potty training pictures, though not the best quality coming from my phone.

Micah was reading "Where's Waldo?" and decided that Minnie, Mickey and Goofy needed to try and find him too :)
And here is our bathroom right now. Potty training chart with stickers, potty rules, and Mickey figurines watching Micah's progress. What a journey :)
Love the bathroom potty charts section! LOL! Hope the hubby is feeling better!