Is this the face of an excited boy, or what?? :)

"Am I ready to go already? It takes forever to get bundled up!"
Reid's view during big brother's sledding adventure...behind a gate :) Next time, kiddo, next time.
My sweet boys back from the cold. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for the sled!
I was hoping to have pictures of Micah drinking hot chocolate after this, but unfortunately he threw up within 5 minutes of coming inside. I was hoping it was pure coincidence, maybe he was just too cold and shocked from the conditions, but he went to take a nap shortly thereafter without lunch, woke up throwing up and continued to the rest of the day. Poor baby! It's seriously the worse to see your kid sick and not be able to help fix it. Micah was just cuddly, but sad and kept telling me his tummy hurt. It's honestly the first time we've dealt with throw up with him, and one I'm hoping doesn't happen too frequently in the future. Thankfully the snow hasn't stopped coming down, so we're hoping to take advantage and go back out again (and make sure Micah doesn't have an association of getting sick with sledding, haha).
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