This year, with
everything else going on, we decided to have a combined 2nd/4th birthday party as well as a housewarming party. Why not do it all in one big event? And no matter how "easy" you try and make the party, it's still a lot of work hosting 30+ people. Thankfully both sets of parents came in to town and were huge helps getting our place ready. Whether it was lawn care (the dads) or childcare (primarily grandma) or helping in the kitchen and cleaning (Nana Kay) we could not have done it without help! Thank you Grandpa/Grandma/Papa C/Nana Kay! We are definitely grateful for all that you did, and know the boys appreciated it too.

The weather seemed to be a little suspect at first, seeing that it actually SNOWED the day before. And our party was on May 17th. Why would we expect snow to not be a possibility?? Silly us! And while Saturday seemed to start out and be a little chilly, it actually turned out to be a beautiful day, which I am very grateful for. We haven't had the best fortune when it comes to parties and weather, so it felt really nice to have a good day.
We also had lots of friends and family out to celebrate all the blessings God has given us in the last few months, and we're grateful even more for the support we've had through a crazy time. And we know there are many more that weren't able to make it to the party who have prayed and been there for us, so thank you to all!
Now on to the fun stuff - pictures :) The boys had a blast and while Micah seemed a bit overwhelmed at times (I believe he's a bit introverted in some areas - discovered in a book I read in my mother's group this year - and doesn't quite know how to process the masses of people quite yet) he was still super excited about his party. His actual birthday is in a couple weeks, but he celebrated like a champ, that's for sure! Reid seems to be my classic extrovert, and truly had a good time playing and running around. Enjoy the many, many pictures below. To those who weren't able to celebrate with us in person, we missed you!! And you're always welcome to come for a visit - just give us a heads up, as baby girl will be here in 21 days or less :)
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