Micah has been waiting for this day ALL.SUMMER.LONG. He has worked so hard and run so many miles...this is definitely one of my most "proud mama" moments! He signed up for the Fox Valley Kids Marathon, which required the registrants to run 25 miles over the course of the summer and then 1.2 miles the day before the official Fox Valley Marathon. Micah seriously did amazing, starting out times in the 10s, and running as fast as 7:34 min/mile!! And then when he completed his first 25, he wasn't satisfied and decided he wanted to try and get through the 25 miles again before race day. Well, that didn't happen, but he got 20 more, making his summer running total of 45 miles before his 1.2 mile race. If that's not a boy after my own heart (and pretty darn impressive for a 6 year old!) I don't know what is.
Race day come, and Micah ran with all his might. There was no clock on the course (what?!) but I would guess he finished in the top 10% or so overall. Regardless of not having the official "stats" which was the first question he asked for after the race, haha, I couldn't be more proud of Micah. He worked hard, didn't give up, and I believe has really developed a love for running. I now have visions of us running a marathon together 10 years down the road and think that would be such an amazing experience with my biggest boy :)
Just a little obsessive... wonder where he gets that! Proud of you,Micah!