What an honor to have my family there cheering me on for a marathon. Seriously, I have the best husband in the world. It's not easy to take care of three kids by yourself. It's also not easy to spectate around a marathon course, hoping and praying you get to the right spot to find your runner for a total of 20 seconds before migrating to the next spot and doing it all over again. Combine those two together, and you have an almost impossible task. But Christian took this challenge on like a champ and blew it out of the water, and it was so helpful and incredible to me. I was able to see him and the kids at miles 2, 11, 14 and 23...and at 23 I was in my wall. I wanted to stop, to walk, to just finish the race at this point. And then I saw my 6 year old jumping up and down and cheering for me so enthusiastically. What an incredible moment. It brought me such joy and determination to run this race before me and not give up. I feel so blessed to be able to do a God-given talent and find the strength to finish and the joy in the experience and to have my family there by my side supporting me means so much.
In addition to my race, Micah was able to run a race of his own, we met up with some old friends for a pre-race pasta dinner and were able to check out a zoo. The food was great, the experience fun and definitely a race I'd recommend to others. Minneapolis for the win!
I'm with Gemma and Reid... let me have a stroller - ha!