A couple of weeks ago we headed out to Ikea for some furniture, and came across some hand puppets in their kid section. Micah really loves Baby Einstein's puppets and we figured it would be a great addition to our collection. Can I just say it is amazing what you can get a kid to do through the talk of a puppet!! All of a sudden our boy turned into the most well behaved, obedient little guy - all at the request of puppets:) Now if only we could get that to transfer over to mom and dad requests...

Giving hugs

"Oh, Dada, I just love the 'rahr' and 'oohoohaah'." (lion and monkey)
On another note, I am learning daily the changing appetites in toddlers. Micah can eat more than me one day, and then decide he wants next to nothing the next. He also very much enjoys company while eating (who doesn't really?) so if I'm feeding him breakfast while trying to clean up the kitchen from the night before, he's generally not a big fan. He proceeds to point to my chair, saying "mama?" and then will continue on with "dada's chair" and "baby" (yes, he's already identified where baby will sit). He will then point to his chair with a big smile, sometimes saying nothing, while other times saying "me." So sweet.
Yesterday was definitely a big eating day, as you can tell from his smorgasbord of food that included a banana, oatmeal, yogurt and waffle along with his milk...and that was just for breakfast!!
Yesterday was definitely a big eating day, as you can tell from his smorgasbord of food that included a banana, oatmeal, yogurt and waffle along with his milk...and that was just for breakfast!!
No way could I eat that much for breakfast - ha! Wish I could get some of those hugs and kisses!