Whose bright idea was it to get free flights no matter the "cost"? Oh, right, that was me. Didn't quite seem worth it when we woke up at 3:30am to get on a 6am flight to fly out to Arizona for a family vacation. 10 hours later, with a 3 1/2 hour Denver layover, and we were finally en-route to our home for the week.

Micah was quite the little trooper, exhausted but in good spirits on the way to our resort!
That afternoon, we headed out to a train park near by that was definitely a great attraction! Well known in the area, it was quite crowded, but Micah really enjoyed his time on the carousal and riding the train around.
That afternoon, we headed out to a train park near by that was definitely a great attraction! Well known in the area, it was quite crowded, but Micah really enjoyed his time on the carousal and riding the train around.

Later on that week, we met up with some friends who used to live in Chicago, and they suggested the train park...since we had not seen the lights when we had gone we thought it was a great idea! Micah wasn't quite sure what to make of all the characters that were there, but he seemed to really enjoy the pretty lights and kid-filled environment.
The below video is what we did in the mornings a couple of the days we were there. Determined to get back in shape, Christian and I took advantage of the decently warm weather (compared to Chicago) and went for a jog/walk with Micah in the mornings. His sleeping was anything BUT ideal, so much so that it caused us to end our vacation early, but it gave us a great opportunity to get out for some exercise. Micah seemed to want to be like mom and dad, and chose to get his own exercise in! Shown is some of his high speed running - which happens when we say "ready, set, GO!"
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