Last weekend (not yesterday, but the previous weekend) we packed up our car and headed out on our first trip as a family of 4! Michigan, here we come. Christian's parents were celebrating their 45th wedding anniversary, and, compliments of Christian and his brother Andy, there was a big celebration that was planned to honor them.
So, in the car we went to join the festivities. What a trip. In the 300+ miles we traveled, Reid slept all of 1 hour of that, split up in 3-4 different times, and Micah didn't sleep at all. Micah actually did amazing, but poor Reid was beside himself and it was all I could do to not burst in to tears myself. At one point, when we were maybe 5 miles from our destination, both kids were screaming, I was in the middle trying to soothe them, and Christian just had to laugh...because if laughter didn't happen then crying would have.
But, we made it in one piece and had a wonderful weekend!! Unfortunately, Christian's Aunt and Uncle were sick, so they loaned us their house while they stayed at their cabin. We were very grateful for their hospitality (they had food all ready to go for us!) but were sad to not see them at all during our trip. We did, however, see many other family members who were pleased to see Micah again (it had been a little over a year) and meet Reid. We will probably be seeing them more frequently than before, due to the fact that Christian's parents will be moving there come September.

Reading Curious George with Daddy before nap time.
At the restaurant with Uncle Andy and Aunt Katie celebrating Grandma and Grandpa.
Hanging out with Daddy's cousins at Grandma and Grandpa's new house.
Congrats Grandma and Grandpa! 45 is a long time - awesome job!
Asleep one minute...
Awake the next...
At last, he sleeps...after much resistance. :)
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