It's been a long week, with Christian working hard (well, he always does that!) but leaving the house around 6 each day and not getting home til about 7 at night. Long days for him, and long days for me! I have seen some jealous behavior begin to surface with Micah this week with phrases such as "Baby Reid go night-night" or "Baby Reid sit in chair" which I think it stemming from the fact that Christian has not been around so Micah is getting minimal one-on-one time as baby Reid and I are very much connected. Micah has also had some rough periods of night sleeping, which I am praying is short lived, but it makes for an overtired kid during the day, and so on and so on.
Through the long days, I have found myself very much looking forward to bath time. Probably because both boys really enjoy their baths and the chaos is minimized for that 20-30 minutes! I wanted to get a few pictures, more so of Reid's ridiculously long hair at 2 months old (I actually cut just a little off the hair around his ears earlier this week...first hair cut at 2 months?!!?), but also just documenting a fond time in the Lauffer household. It will certainly be fun when the boys can enjoy the bath together in the same tub!!

I like the comparisons of Micah and Reid with Mickey.