I've taken half a month off from blogging due to a certain sister's wedding in St. Louis :) Pictures to share from that will come, but we are waiting on the bride and groom to select their choices first since Christian was the professional photographer for their wedding.
When we came back from St. Louis, I decided that I was determined to use the pool passes that we had bought and had yet to use. We only got the twilight passes, knowing full well that I wouldn't be taking both boys by myself, and it would be a better use of our money...well, that has changed since Christian has been pretty busy with work. I attempted (successfully, I might add:)) twice last week, and again today, taking both boys by myself. Micah loves the pool, the water, the slide...and it's so fun to watch him! This past weekend Christian was able to join us, and Micah was beyond thrilled. I noticed a significant difference in his demeanor, and just loved seeing his zest for life come out and his happiness to be with his family. Reid loves his bath, so I figured he'd enjoy the pool as well. It's a bit hot right now so I do have to be careful but I really enjoy that I can spend such fun days with my boys!!

I love Micah's face coming down the slide! Glad you've been keeping cool :)