Can't believe we've actually hit the 3 month mark. I remember with Micah, this was the month that he seemed to be more than just a newborn. We were getting smiles, facial gestures and expressions, a rare giggle and seeming to becoming more of a little human being than before. I can say the same has been with Reid as well! We're not quite sleeping through the night (at all!) like big brother was, but I'm finally feeling like we're getting in to some type of routine - albeit random on some days - but I'm figuring out a way to function with my two boys. Highlights and lowlights for the month probably come with our trip to St.Louis to see Kari and Josh get married. Reid traveled really well both there and back (a huge answer to prayer) but he got quite off schedule and overtired halfway through the trip, and by the time Kari's wedding rolled around, he was a cranky mess...and so was his momma! But it all turned out well and I would say ever since getting back (July 8th - my birthday:)), he's been figuring out this sleep thing more and more.
We went to the doctor today for his 3 month shots...poor baby!...and I was able to get his measurements. He's making gains, but still just a bit smaller than Micah at the same age.
Length - 24 inches, 50%
Weight - 13.8 pounds, 65%
Things to remember:
- how well you traveled on our St. Louis trip to see Aunt Kari get married, but kinda lost it the second half of the week there due to lack of sleep
- how much you bubble, bubble, bubble away!:) in St. Louis, you loved being held in the football carrying position, content as can be, bubbling away
- how you have begun accepting the pacifier much more easily
- how you are not living in the Ergo anymore :) you are definitely easier to put down for naps - which coincides with the pacifier acceptance and reading your signs a little better
- how you have found your hands this month - you have always tried sticking your hands in your mouth, but you've taken it to a new level this month
- how Daddy got your first giggle out of you by moving you up and down (ie, the baby approved form of "throwing you in the air")
- how you have rolled over from belly to back and number of times, including in your sleep (which required us to come in and flip you back over)
- how you are still quite "flaily", which I thought was the moro reflex, but am now thinking it's just a Reid reflex :)
- how you are making gains at independent time on the play mat and bouncy seat
- how you are making *small* gains of contentedness in the car
- how much you love your big brother...you are always watching him (running around you like crazy) and seem to be quite content with him climbing all over you
- how much you light up when Mom or Dad walk in the room and your smiles take over your whole body, not just your face
What a great set of pictures and comments! What a precious, precious boy! I love you, Baby Reid :-)