We have enjoyed a couple cooler days in the past week and made sure to take advantage of some outdoor fun! I went with a friend to the Arboretum on Friday and was amazed at how much bigger Micah seems since the last time we were there. No longer my little baby...he's a full fledged toddler! It's really fun watching him grow and learn, although I also wish him to stay little for as long as possible. They grow too quickly, that I know, as Reid is already 3 1/2 months.

Micah was unable to do this bridge by himself the last time, and struggled at times with Christian or myself. This time, he was all alone and went from walking tentatively to running across the bridge. And every time he came out of the bridge he was so happy and proud of himself.
One quick side story I don't want to forget: We were playing at a spot with a little table, and Micah had put his water on that table. Sometime while in this specific area, I look over to hear Micah yelling, "No. No, no, no. NO!!!" And he's freaking out at the same time. Meanwhile, there's no one there and I'm thinking my son is possessed. As I walk over to ask what's wrong and explain there's no one around, I see a chipmunk run away from the table. It was hilarious...watching Micah freak out over this little chipmunk he thought was attacking his water. Always on guard!

Me and my crazy haired little baby. We aren't quite sure what to do with all the hair that he has...I'm just not willing to give my less than 4 month old a hair cut :)
On the way home from the Arboretum, Micah was busy reading books and Reid actually took a break from crying to just "talk". Car rides are quite challenging with Reid because he just hates his car seat, so most of the time is spent crying...so I'm always grateful for moments of contentedness. Overall, Reid is a pretty content baby, but not while in the car :)
Christian missed out on our Friday fun, and wanted to have some family fun Saturday - so back we went to the Arboretum.
Christian too was amazed at Micah's independence on the bridge.
Done with the tree house bridge and off to the tadpoles.

Talking a walk around the lake. Micah so sweet - "Mommy, hold the hand."
Around the lake, Micah found a heron he wanted to clap for. We have herons in the lake by our house as well, and he loves clapping for them and watching them fly. This heron wasn't intimidated by our clapping, however, so fly, he did not.
What a fun weekend outside with my family! Unfortunately, Christian was gone last Monday - Thursday for work, and heads out again today - Thursday, this time to Bogota, Columbia. Pray for safe travels both there and back, and sanity for myself while I'm flying solo. :)
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