Leaving Reid, I went next door to check on Micah and found this:

Legs through the crib slats...

Hands over his heart...

Not a care in the world :)
Many a night Christian and I laugh about our boy who just sleeps with reckless abandon! He sure loves his sleep. I just have no idea how he's going to do when we transfer him to a big boy bed, but we'll find out sooner than later I guess...the plan is to put the bunk bed set in his room sometime this fall while keeping the crib in there as well, and then see what happens. Many a changes in our future...potty training, big boy bed, paci leaving (which Micah still gets for naps, only) and sleep training of some sort for our baby boy. Thank goodness I'm not going back to work this year, or that would be occurring now too...and this parenting two little kiddos is definitely a full time job and a half some days :)
Just remember, just because you are not "going back to work," doesn't mean you are not working. In fact, you are working harder than ever! But, oh, it is well worth it!