Am I supposed to sit up, like Mickey?

How about grabbing his foot? Is this okay?

Oh, no? Grabbing my foot instead?

Wow, a wardrobe change and all...sure, that's good for a laugh.

Okay, enough of the poses, I'm hungry!

But this foot is calling my name.

Oh, and so is this one.

Okay, enough of Mickey...just check me out :)
Oh, there are just too many pictures to choose from, as you can tell! Reid is getting to be such a big boy and we are already making note of his 5 month. It's crazy how fast time goes. Each month that rolls around, I find myself reminiscing on Micah's monthly post as well. And although I was looking at his 5th month post today, I was quickly brought back to reality with my almost 28 month old...I just can't believe he's getting so big. And by "he's" I mean both Micah and Reid!
We headed out to the doctor today for a few shots (no official doctor visit) but I was about to get his weight - coming in at 16 pounds, right in the 50%.
Things to remember this month:
- how you started rolling both ways
- how you love time in your exersaucer and have started also loving the jumparoo
- how you grunt really loud when eating your toys, and it's hard for me to tell if you're hurting yourself, frustrated or just enjoying yourself
- how you have started putting yourself to sleep without Momma's (or Daddy's) help...and although that means crying sometimes, you are figuring it out
- how much you love looking at your hand, Mommy's hand, Daddy's hand...basically any hand that comes across your face
- how you get a death grip on any hand in your grasp (in a good way, of course!)
- how you love grabbing faces
- how you have begun taking interest in your foot...even putting it in your mouth at least one time, to my knowledge
- how your face just lights up when your Mom or Dad walk in the room
- how your face also lights up when your big brother is dancing all around you and giving you lots of attention
- how you are getting really close to sitting up
- how much you smile and giggle...you are ticklish, and super expressive, bringing us much joy!
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