While checking in and grabbing my race bib I overheard a girl saying she had won the race last year. What?!?! :) I, of course, had to chat with her and get her take on the race then, and she recommended adding about 45 minutes - 1 hour to your road time. That really helped me have a feel of what to expect and it took my lofty goal of 4:30 change to a 5 hour race. So, when I came in at 4:53:13, I was inching in just in front of my goal, thankfully! It was my slowest marathon to date, but I am really pleased with my time per the information I was given just prior to the race. I ran strong the first 12 miles, but after that it was a lot of a walk/run mentality, so I'll take it.
Thanks so much to my husband for support in my training and for watching the kids for me for the day while I traveled with 3 other girls (who had signed up for the marathon relay event) and had a little girls day away. I am a blessed wife, mother and friend.

Before the start...what am I getting myself in to?
Not sure if this link will work or not, but if it does, my bib number was 688, and you can view pictures during the race. NorthFace Endurance Challenge - Madison (Sept. 15, 2012).

Yay to finishing!

My friend Laura and I. Laura was one of the relayers and also kind enough to drive so I didn't have to. She's really picked up running the last year or so and has been doing an excellent job!!
Three of the four relayers and myself - these three girls kindly got in the car at 5am to make sure I could get to the race site in time for my race to begin. Theirs didn't start until 2 hours later, and for Carrington, that was 2 hours plus an additional 3 until her leg started.
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