Katie and Micah enjoying some laughs over Curious George.

Micah's seen the episode before, and he was trying to tell Aunt Katie all about it.

Grandma with cousin Lilly. Lilly was welcomed to the family October 26th, and we're so glad to have a girl in the mix :)
Reid enjoying some one on one time with both Mom and Dad.
The 3 grandchildren on the Lauffer side. Micah was so sweet with these pictures, with his arm around Lilly and his hand on Reid's leg for much of the photo shoot. It's like he's saying "Don't worry guys, I got it under control. I'll teach the younguns just how it works."
A very proud Grandma and Grandpa!
Present time! This is the first Christmas we've seen Micah understanding a little more of what it's all about, which adds more excitement to the season.
Showing huge excitement over Grover (which we found out later was supposed to be for Reid, oops! :)) Oh well, he ran to give Aunt Katie and Uncle Andy hugs not knowing any different, haha.

A very special gift came from Grandma - she spent hours upon hours working on a picture frame with a picture of each grandchild on a technique called Quilling. It turned out beautifully, and we're excited to get it up in our house.
We are such a blessed family and think about it all the more during the Christmas season. I am happy beyond my wildest dreams with my 2 boys and Christian, and am grateful for a loving Lord who cared enough about His children to send His son, born in a manger, to eventually die so that we may live. Merry Christmas everyone!
I'm grateful for these pictorial memories and the wonderful commentary. Grandma and grandpa are very glad to have such a wonderful family and wish everyone a Merry Christmas!