Jeff was holding Reid one night while playing scrabble, and it was just the sweetest interaction between the two of them. I certainly wish Jeff and Liza lived closer to us so that we were able to see them more often, but I'll take what I can get. It's fun watching my siblings interact with my boys, and I look forward to many more memories in the future.

"What's so interesting about this letter game?"

"Hey Uncle Jeff - what's that on your face? Those seem much more intriguing!"

"Maybe if he stays distracted, I can try and get those glasses..."

"Oh well, maybe next time...Hey, Momma!"
I don't tend to have my boys in matching clothes too often, but I must admit I think it's really cute when they are matching :) Reid has been in the majority of Micah's clothing, therefore the opportunity to match rarely happens. I do, however, have a couple of matching pajamas, and we were able to capture a sweet family picture one night while they were wearing them. Love my family!!
What a precious family!