So now the waiting game began as school didn't start for Micah for another 2-3 hours. I ended up running a couple of errands with the boys while Gemma napped and Christian worked from home, and then we hurried home to get everyone fed before the bus came. 12:23 was the pick-up time, and while I was hurrying Micah along at 12:08, I see the bus roll up and I'm freaking out. "Grab your back-pack." "The bus is here!" "Let me put your sandwich and grapes in a baggie and eat it on the bus." Aghh! The early arrival of the bus through me for a loop and I didn't have much time to cry and become emotional as we had to make sure he actually got on and was fed. I'll be honest though, some tears did escape me as we watched the bus drive away with my very tiny boy on it.
It didn't last long, however, as we all (sans Christian) hopped in the van and headed up to school to meet Micah getting off the bus :) We were able to meet his classmates, see him ring the bell, and wish him well for the remainder of the day.
He was all smiles when he got off the bus that afternoon. I truly think this kid is going to LOVE school and I think he will thrive in it. He has a thirst and hunger when it comes to knowledge and learning and this school thing is right up his alley. (He was even sad today when he found out he wasn't going to school, haha). I can't wait to see how this year goes and to watch him grow and learn more and more. We love you buddy. Happy 1st day of Kindergarten!!

Oh, my! I teared up at the picture of Micah's getting on the bus.