Turtle Splash. A park district pool that appeals to parents with younger kiddos not quite ready for the water park. And while my boys both enjoyed their day at the water park, this was a little more reasonably priced (me AND the boys got in at the price of ONE water park ticket). We met some friends there and thoroughly enjoyed playing. Micah took on the two slides available there, one of which was an enclosed tube that he went down by laying down and crossing his legs and arms over his body. I was pretty impressed by the bravery of my 5 year old! You can see the orange slide in the picture below. He also went down solo on a tube on the white slide, and Reid and I were able to go down on a double tube. So. Much. Fun!

The boys then moved to the kid area, which was kind of like a park with water. There were slides and climbing areas and water guns, all the while with water spraying the entire play area. It was a little annoying (it seems to be common among water park places, I just don't understand why there's a need to spray the water ON the play area itself). It was on this area that Reid and Micah started playing
together. Reid was scared of the water and it was only when Micah held his hand to help him through the sprinklers that he went. They went down the slides one right after the other, laughing and helping each other out of the slide and then up to do it again.
This went on for about 10 minutes or so, and then all of a sudden I see
Micah. And I think I see blood. I look again, he's gone, and then
reappears at the bottom of the slide. (He told me later he took the
slide because it was the quickest way to get to me). There it is, clear as day, blood. Dripping down his face. Covering his cheek and chin and landing on his swim shirt. I rush over to him, try and figure out why there is
so much blood. And then I see his poor little eye. He's got a gash and we need some help. I try to flag down the life guard, all the while trying to keep an eye out for Reid. Last thing I need is a second child down and out. Thankfully my friend Sara was there with her family, and she was able to collect my 3 year old and all my stuff while Micah and I headed to the first aid. After cleaning the cut and taking a closer look, I decided I probably needed to head to urgent care to get it checked out, just in case it needed something more than a bandage...

So we wait at the doctor office and then find out that it does indeed need help to close. The doctor said it would heal on it's own, but it's just deep enough to cause a pretty nasty scar. The cut was borderline needing stitches over glue, but glue seemed the best option for the age of the child and Micah did amazing. He hardly cried - even at the beginning when he got hurt - and was such a brave kid! I was so proud of his calmness and bravery. Doctor said it should be closed in about 2 weeks time, and in a couple months you wouldn't even see the scar. At least that's the goal.
Not necessarily the way I expected the afternoon to go, nor what I thought we'd deal with 3 days before he heads off to kindergarten. Wait, what??? He's heading off to
kindergarten y'all!! I can't even. But the cut is not near as noticeable as I was afraid it might be, and will even add to the memory that is
starting school!!!!!!!!!!! Lord, help me.
1. Glad he is doing well! 2. Love that you used "y'all" :)