Hey Momma - guess what? I'm 6 months old today!

Yes, that's right...you heard me. 6 months!

Now, what have we here? This guys looks familiar...

But big brother's kinda funny...

Oh, his nose is just so squeezable...

and so kissable...

I just love being in the spotlight!

But enough is enough...one last smile, then I'm outta here.
height - 27.5 inches (80%)
head circumference - 17.25 inches (75%)
Things to remember:
- How rough you have had it with your 2 bottom teeth making their appearance, interrupting the sleep you do get at night and causing our happy boy to be a little more fussy than usual.
- How you learned how to sit up all by yourself. You're still a little unsteady, but only a little.
- How you have been rocking on all fours.
- How that rocking on all fours has catapulted you to getting objects all around the room...you're quite the little mover! You are not quite crawling, but more pushing off with your legs and then face planting as you try to move forward. Too soon, I feel, you'll be officially crawling.
- How you started taking intense interest in your foot this month...even making it to your mouth a few times.
- How you got your first haircut and seem like such a big boy to me!!
- How you learned, on your 6 month birthday, how to go from a crawling/laying position to a sitting position.
- How expressive your smile is and gives off a twinkle in your eyes. You just love when you see Momma, Daddy or big brother Micah coming to play with you.
- How much you LOVE your jumparoo. Your little legs are always on the move, and this little toy helps keep you moving without actually going anywhere.
- How well you did on Mommy's overnight trip away. I was very anxious, but you did so great with a bottle for Nana Kay and Papa C!
- How we have been able to get a few one-time wakings at night. They are still quite infrequent, and you are still quite inconsistent with your nighttime sleeping, but we'll get there...
- How ticklish you are...I just love your belly laughs :)
Happy 6 months sweet Reid! Now, slow down just a little bit in month 7, okay? :)
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