It is really true?? Well, yes, after willing myself to hold out to cut Reid's hair until he turned 6 months, he received his first haircut at 2 days shy of 6 months. I kept it long, not wanting to change the look too much of my baby, but still took off maybe 1 - 1 1/2 inches from the top. Thanks to my friend Kate Koss, who also did Micah's first haircut, for taking on Reid too. Yes, she taught me how to cut hair, and I have been cutting Micah's for over 2 years now, but I get nervous when it's just scissors involved :)
All ready to go, sunglasses and all, haha.

Look at my big boy!!

He may have his first hair cut 2 months sooner than big brother, but it was certainly needed! Such a sweet boy who can now see when the wind is blowing his hair across his forehead. :) Love this little guy.
Oh! He so-o-o-o-o needed that haircut! :-)