So, we headed out early in the morning to get to the Arboretum in time to get Christian and Micah's race packets. It was a bit chilly, but also quite a fun environment to be a part of...of course, I might always say that about a race :). My friend Laura was also running the 5k, and her son Alex was also running the 50 yard dash.

Love this picture of my 3 boys:)

The runners

The little runners

And fans - they did a great job cheering on the runners!

Christian's in the blue on the right side.

Micah was so excited to see his Daddy running!

And Alex was so excited to see his Mommy running (in the yellow).


Micah getting ready for his big race.

I'm ready! Let's go.

And this is where the unexpected began...
We were wanting to get a picture of Micah and his ribbon after his race, and all of a sudden he starts crying pretty hard. I run over to see a bunch of flying bugs...only to realize they were yellow jackets! O.M.G. It has been a long time since I've been as scared as I was right then. I scoop Micah up in my arms, swatting the bees, watching them crawl up his sweatshirt sleeve and hide in his hood. I'm frantically trying to get his hoodie off without getting him more stings, and suddenly shout out, "Christian, get Reid!!" In the midst of getting Micah I had completely forgotten about Reid...thankfully he came out unscathed in the whole crises. The rest of us cannot say the same. Micah ended up with (only) 3 stings, Christian "won" with 4, and I was the most blessed by only getting 1 sting. I had no idea about allergies, and we rushed to find medical assistance and they told us unless there was wheezing, we should all be okay. Micah's head and finger really swelled up, but he was breathing okay so my concern began diminishing. Poor Christian was in quite a bit of pain as well, but my focus was on my 2 year old...I'm actually glad I got one sting so that I could empathize just a little with what they were feeling...and it hurt, for sure! PTL for it not turning in to a bigger deal than it did - God was definitely protecting us and making sure Reid remained unharmed.

Christian and Micah, both with bee stings on their hands.

Reid no worse for the wear - it really just wore him out...first time he's ever slept in the Bob!

Micah and Daddy post race checking out the Children's Garden.
Best post-race recovery, water and a doughnut, haha.

Cool down?

Stacking his chess pieces.
A memorable morning, to say the least. Well done Micah and Christian on your races!
And here is my bee sting, 4 days later...mild allergy, can you say? I'm the only one in the family that looks like this...oh well! Glad I only got one :)
So thankful you are all OK! That is so, so scary. (And moments like that I find myself "thankful" that we always have an epi-pen on hand! Thankful to have never needed it...) Glad the rest of the day was fun, and love that you have a little runner! So cute :)