It's Mickey Time!!
"This guy again?"
"What do you want from me?"
Mickey went boom...
"Wait, what's out there?!"
"Daddy you're so funny"
"I love my Daddy!"
"Mickey, are you watching this?"
"Seriously momma, that daddy is one funny guy!"
What a great month it's been! And we end the month with the threat of the "Biggest storm of the century" as well as Christian LEAVING us for California today. I'm praying he makes it back safe and sound on Wednesday, but not counting on it (Wednesday that is, not the safe and sound, ha!). Back to Micah though - it's been a great month buddy. You've become ultra active and curious and are learning SOOO much! Welcome 8 months:)
Doctor Stats (from last week's visit): 19.4 pounds (48%) and 27.5 inches (50%)
Things to remember:
- how you started crawling this crawling at the beginning of the month and last week that turned in to actual crawling
- how you had your first (and definitely not the last, I'm sure) occurrence with blood because of the instability that comes in learning to crawl
- how you have also started pulling yourself up, though it's not been too often...yet...
- how you had 2 teeth break through this month (which definitely wrecked havoc on your sleeping)
- how you have started to recognize "kitty" - you know just what we're talking about when we ask "where's kitty?"
- how you went to the nursery for the first time this month (which was much harder for mommy than for you!)
- how you started clapping this month, first with the music that you have and then with just about everything:)
- how you had your first real cold that took almost 2 weeks to kick
- how you have started banging your head in to just about everything when you get to a roadblock in your crawling...this one momma and daddy are not happy about!!...but we think it's just your desire to continue to move forward and your lack of understanding about being stopped
- how you have started eating (and loving) Puffs this month
- how you had your first hair cut - and could probably stand to have another soon
- how you have, for the most part, rid yourself of your 3rd nap and are slowly turning in to a more consistent day time napper
We love you Micah! We are so blessed to be your parents and look forward to next month's adventures.