Friday, August 31, 2012

Micah at 27 months

It's been awhile since I've done a post specifically dedicated to Micah, but I felt the need to do one this month, as I've seen tremendous growth in our sweet toddler.  Mr. Strong Will himself has always provided such joy for us, while also being quite the pistol at times.  We love him more than we can say, but he certainly gives us a run for our money sometimes.

The past couple of months, Christian and I have noticed a growth in Micah's ability to play, both independently and with others.  He has really taken on imaginative play, and that has best been seen through play with his kitchen.  The set he received for Christmas has definitely gotten its money's worth this month, as he's literally spent 3-4 hours in it over the course of a day, 3-4 times a week.  Sometimes it's with Christian or I in there, feeding us meals, pouring salt on our food, or going through all the different food items he has...putting them all on specific plates, bowls, etc.  Most of the time, however, he's been in there by himself in his own world of imagination, lining up his food and getting ready to prepare it for the next time Mommy or Daddy step in to his world.  It's been amazing to see, and I love watching his little mind grow with excitement over what he's learning.

Along with this independent play, we've seen a little growth in his ability to play with other kids, not just along side them.  He still struggles with sharing...why is it such a hard concept?!!?!  And we have had bouts of hitting others that we have to address.  I'm hopeful, however, that those incidences are going by the wayside, as they are becoming farther and fewer between.

Overall, Micah is just a sweet little boy who loves life to the fullest.  His ability to communicate blows my mind, most days, and he's truly growing so much.  The vocabulary he uses, is able to express, and the patience he shows (most times) while trying to communicate is all quite amazing.  What a fun, fun stage he is in, and it just makes me excited for what's to come. 

Phrases to remember as of late:

"Look at all the yous!!!" (Referring to pictures of himself)
"Where'd me go?" (Closing his eyes, and then opening them up)
"[fill in the blank a person] go riiight there" (directing exactly where he wants someone to go/be)
"STOP.  Mommy, Stop!" (when he's in the middle of something by himself, and doesn't want to be bothered)
"Me do it."  (Expressing his independence:))
Me: Micah, do you want Mommy to hold you or do you want to walk? Micah: "Mommy hold you."
"Mommy, what'd you do?" (Mommy, what are you doing?)

Things to remember:
  • Singing with me or Christian at bedtime - he knows ALL of the songs we sing to him!
  • Praying for "baby luke, josh and kari, mommy and daddy, me, baby Reid...bless this food, thank you for church, AMEN."
  • Playing Mickey on the iPad and singing the songs. "Oh Toodles."
  • His love of coloring; knowing all of his colors
  • His ability to recite the majority of the books that we read to him
  • Singing the ABC's; his knowledge of the letters when doing his puzzles
  • Counting backwards from 10 down 
  • His dependence on rules and routine.  The timer is a huge help for us right now!!

I know there's more, though I'm drawing a blank right now...I'll fill in more later once I can remember it.  Love you Micah baby, although I know you're no longer a baby, per se...

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Hand love

I went running this morning, and this was my view for the entire 3 miles of my run.  L.O.V.E.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

4 months baby!

Time just continues to fly by.  Reid is already 4 months old and growing like a champ.  This month consisted of 2 1/2 weeks of Christian being gone for work and lots of Micah, Momma and Reid time.  And thank goodness Reid is getting easier to figure out because it made the long days by myself not quite as challenging.  The second week (in back-to-back weeks) Christian was gone I had contemplated heading down to STL to spend time with my parents, however given Reid's track record in the car just couldn't do it...but that same week, he really seemed to figure something out, and had me second guessing my decision, in a good way!  I'm still helping him to sleep for naps and nighttime, but he's definitely getting easier at putting down...minimal bouncing, shushing, patting, etc...and it gives me hope that maybe we won't have to do too much sleep training.  Though his nighttime sleep is quite suspect right now, so who knows.  Aside from that factor, I am loving this mom of 2 boys thing and am so blessed to be entrusted with raising them.  I only pray I can raise two boys that love the Lord and live their lives to honor Him.

Doctor stats:
Length:  25 7/8 inches (80%)
Weight:  15 pounds, 3 ounces (45%)
Head Circumference:  16 5/8 inches (70%) - what happened to our small headed little boy - 24%?? Something seems suspect here...

We went to a new doctor's office today, half the distance from our house as the other one, and I think I'm pleased with the practice thus far.  Time will tell, obviously, but I have no complaints after today.

Things to remember:

  • how you found your voice this month and it's just so joyful to hear
  • how you often coo when you're really happy - particularly after you've been quite hungry and then are satisfied
  • how you like to do planks - getting up on all fours :)  you're just itching to crawl baby...all in due time!
  • how you figured out rolling from your back to your belly this month, and haven't looked back
  • how you have become much better about riding in your car seat...screaming doesn't ensue the entire time you are in the car now, only part of the time
  • how Momma has been able to get out for a few runs this month with you and your big brother in the double Bob...finally putting it to use for its designed purpose
  • how you have seem to overcome the 45 minute intruder, for the most part, most days - your napping consists of 3 naps, generally between 1.5 and 2 hours each
  • how your nighttime sleeping, on the other hand, leaves little to be desired...that's our goal for month 5 baby Reid (or maybe just your mom and dad's goal) 'cause it's starting to take its'll be up anywhere between 2-4 times and I'm starting to be a walking zombie :)
  • how you began sitting in the bumbo this month and tried out the exersaucer, although you're still a bit too little for that as of now
  • how everything still continues to go to your mouth, and I think you've also starting teething, as you are drooling like crazy and you like to pull your bottom lip over your gums
  • how mobile you've become in your crib, moving from the top to the bottow, side to side
  • how content you are sitting in a seat in the garage while big brother plays outside, and how much you love being in the bjorn as well...anything to keep you close to a human body
  • how your face just lights up with smiles when your Momma or Daddy walk in the room - and it just melts our hearts
We love you baby boy!  Happy 4 months!  We love the joy you bring to our lives and the bond we see growing already with you and Micah.  We are certainly looking forward to month 5 with you!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Breakfast in my bumbo:)

Trying out what I learned yesterday, Reid went into the bumbo seat today while getting breakfast ready for Micah and myself.  And just like yesterday, he was much happier there versus the bouncy seat.  Yay!

Sleepy Heads

I went in last night to check on my two boys before going to bed myself, and found Reid in his typical sleeping position of hands tucked under his belly, and his little bootie high in the air.  I couldn't help but try and snap a couple pictures of him with my phone, as I just love how he sleeps :)


Leaving Reid, I went next door to check on Micah and found this:
Legs through the crib slats...

Hands over his heart...

Not a care in the world :)

Many a night Christian and I laugh about our boy who just sleeps with reckless abandon!  He sure loves his sleep.  I just have no idea how he's going to do when we transfer him to a big boy bed, but we'll find out sooner than later I guess...the plan is to put the bunk bed set in his room sometime this fall while keeping the crib in there as well, and then see what happens.  Many a changes in our future...potty training, big boy bed, paci leaving (which Micah still gets for naps, only) and sleep training of some sort for our baby boy.  Thank goodness I'm not going back to work this year, or that would be occurring now too...and this parenting two little kiddos is definitely a full time job and a half some days :)

Monday, August 13, 2012

New toys, Momma!

In addition to the bumbo seat, I decided to break out the exersaucer as well.  Reid's facial reactions on this were killing me:)  And while he seems a bit young to be here comfortably yet, he did a pretty good job and with a little blanket behind him was sitting okay.  Love this little boy!!

Bumbo Time!

I decided to try Reid in the bumbo(like) today because he seemed to be getting bored on his play mat, rolling over and getting frustrated after any length of time, and really has always disliked the bouncy or swing.  So, onto another contraption to aid in development.  He actually did really well today, I just can't believe he's already big enough to sit in this seat!  I couldn't pick just one picture :)


I tried to get a picture of both boys together, and this is the best I could do :)  At least they are both looking seemingly at the same thing, what, I have no idea!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Outdoor Fun with my boys

We have enjoyed a couple cooler days in the past week and made sure to take advantage of some outdoor fun!  I went with a friend to the Arboretum on Friday and was amazed at how much bigger Micah seems since the last time we were there.  No longer my little baby...he's a full fledged toddler!  It's really fun watching him grow and learn, although I also wish him to stay little for as long as possible.  They grow too quickly, that I know, as Reid is already 3 1/2 months. 

Micah was unable to do this bridge by himself the last time, and struggled at times with Christian or myself.  This time, he was all alone and went from walking tentatively to running across the bridge.  And every time he came out of the bridge he was so happy and proud of himself. 

One quick side story I don't want to forget:  We were playing at a spot with a little table, and Micah had put his water on that table.  Sometime while in this specific area, I look over to hear Micah yelling, "No.  No, no, no.  NO!!!"  And he's freaking out at the same time.  Meanwhile, there's no one there and I'm thinking my son is possessed.  As I walk over to ask what's wrong and explain there's no one around, I see a chipmunk run away from the table.  It was hilarious...watching Micah freak out over this little chipmunk he thought was attacking his water.  Always on guard!

Me and my crazy haired little baby.  We aren't quite sure what to do with all the hair that he has...I'm just not willing to give my less than 4 month old a hair cut :)

On the way home from the Arboretum, Micah was busy reading books and Reid actually took a break from crying to just "talk".  Car rides are quite challenging with Reid because he just hates his car seat, so most of the time is spent I'm always grateful for moments of contentedness.  Overall, Reid is a pretty content baby, but not while in the car :) 

Christian missed out on our Friday fun, and wanted to have some family fun Saturday - so back we went to the Arboretum.

Christian too was amazed at Micah's independence on the bridge.

Done with the tree house bridge and off to the tadpoles. 



Talking a walk around the lake.  Micah so sweet - "Mommy, hold the hand."

Around the lake, Micah found a heron he wanted to clap for.  We have herons in the lake by our house as well, and he loves clapping for them and watching them fly.  This heron wasn't intimidated by our clapping, however, so fly, he did not.

What a fun weekend outside with my family!  Unfortunately, Christian was gone last Monday - Thursday for work, and heads out again today - Thursday, this time to Bogota, Columbia.  Pray for safe travels both there and back, and sanity for myself while I'm flying solo. :)