Friday, January 30, 2015

Winter Randomness

Just a few random picture I've taken during our very low key winter!

Chick Fil A with some friends

Movie day on the pull out couch

Poor Reidees got hit (by me) with a wooden boat at a play place :(  He took it like a champ though, thankfully!

Playing with Sand Toys in our Snow land!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Highchair newbie

Not the best pictures - but it documents Gemma's first time in a highchair out at a restaurant.  Crazy that she's getting this big!!  

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


It's winter, and we're cooped up inside for a long time.  And when we're not at our house going stir crazy, we're in a germ infested play place trying to stay sick-free.  So you better believe that when we had a nice day outside, with some fun snow to play in, I was sending the boys out!  It didn't last long, but they had a blast.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

7 months and time is flying!

I can't believe 7 months is already here.  I know, I say this every.month.  literally.  But it's true, and this month is no exception.  Gemma's been sucha  sweetheart this month.  It was a crazy month with lots of traveling, out of routine, home environment, car time, etc, and she's just been fantastic.  She slept well while at Grandma and Grandpa's house.  Slept *pretty* well while at Nana Kay and Papa C's house and has been so happy and content, even with a tooth popping through last week.  She mastered sitting up this month and loves planking and rocking.  She's going to be crawling sooner than later, I'm pretty sure.  We are just beyond happy with this girl - she's bringing all of us so much joy!

Things to remember:
  • how you started solids this month and are doing ok.  you love food, but you love to snack so you'll be starving when you start the food, and full a few bites later :)
  • how your first tooth popped through, and while you were a bit more needy, it's understandable!
  • how you have been up on all fours rocking as well as planking, just getting more and more ready to crawl sooner than later
  • how content you are, baby girl!  I could just put you in the exersaucer, and as long as you're not tired or hungry, you're good to go for awhile.
  • how much you love your big brother Micah.  Like love him so, so much.  You laugh, you giggle, your face lights up when he's around, you just can't get enough (until you do, and then you burst in to hysterical screams!)
  • how you refused to sleep the one night your mama went out and burst in to tears when I got home, and then loved and loved on my face.  It was so sweet!
  • how you love sticking your tongue through your paci, which is so cute.
  • how you have mastered being able to sit up unassisted.  well done baby girl, well done.
  • how you are super intrigued with faces, grabbing for different parts of them
  • how everything goes to your mouth.  everything.
  • how you are now able to get your feet in your mouth :)

We love you Gemma Jams.  You are a joy to our lives and we're so grateful!  Now, stop growing up so fast!!!