Saturday, February 15, 2014

Life as we know it right now.

I have pictures to post and stories to update, but I'm honestly treading water right now and about to sink, so those will have to wait.

Just a quick update on life as it stands:

London:  Christian and I had a fantastic time and enjoyed his work schedule that began at 4pm.  We were able to walk around the city and really take in lots of London!  Pictures will come, I promise.  We arrived about 8am on Saturday and were shockingly able to check in to our hotel when we arrived there about 9:30.  We slept for about 2 hours, freshened up, and then went out to shop and eat and sightsee!  It was a wonderful day, but walking for 6-7 miles after very limited sleep and 22 weeks pregnant took its toll, and our bed was quite amazing that night.  Sunday was continued sightseeing with another 8-9 miles of walking, and I'm telling you, this pregnant mama was feeling it!  I was so incredibly sore that just climbing a set of stairs began to feel quite cumbersome.  That night we met up with Christian's coworkers who had arrived and had a wonderful dinner.  Monday and Tuesday were work days for Christian, but seeing that he didn't start until 4, we were able to enjoy sites together until then...and was perfect for me to get some r&r time in the hotel as well.  Wednesday was our travel day back - me back to Chicago and him on to Bogota, Columbia.

House front:  Things are moving along with both the buying of a new place and the selling of our place.  I have done about 5 days worth of work in 2 days it feels, thus my treading water right now.  I'm sick with a cold that is kicking my butt and the boys are ultra needy/cranky (because I'm not giving them the attention the need or deserve due to house stuff).  I'm packing, painting, deep cleaning, setting up appointments and continuing the job of endless paperwork.  We got the carpets cleaned today, are having pictures taken on Tuesday and listing it as of Thursday.  Pray we find the right buyer in a timely manner, as we close on our other house on April 4th.  Things are, for the time being, going quite smoothly on that front which I'm grateful for!

Baby Girl:  Don't forget, I'm 23 weeks pregnant :)  It's honestly taken a back seat with everything else going on, but I had an appointment last Thursday and all is going well. We can't wait to meet her and pray that life has slowed a little by then (which it should!) so it can only get crazy once more, haha.  She's been more active lately, and Micah, just this morning, was able to feel her kicking and he loved it.  Started laughing when feeling it and wanted to do it again - which I thought was so cute.

That's about it for right now.  Immediate prayers for my health would be appreciated.  I just have a cold, but I think my immune system is compromised due to growing a child, so it's affecting me more.  And prayers as we continue to walk through the house stuff, as Christian is traveling quite heavily through most of it.  Thankfully, when he's here (currently for 36 hours - sweet!) he's a great dad/husband/worker and doing everything he can to make life easier for me.

Pictures of London and my Valentines Day boys to come sometime this week, hopefully!  Until then...

Thursday, February 6, 2014

House Update

It's been an extremely busy week and since I last wrote, we have officially entered in to a contract to buy a house, had an inspection completed on that house, and are meeting with a lender tonight to finalize our mortgage application.  It's been an incredibly crazy whirlwind few days, and I'm ever so grateful that Christian's parents have been here to help with childcare while I've had unexpected commitments pop up.

So, thanks for those that have been praying for us this week!  Keep them coming, as we are traveling to London tomorrow.  I come back next Wednesday and then we have 1 week to make sure our house has been cleaned, decluttered and staged to the max because our house will be on the market.  And pray that our house sells in a timely manner.  Ideally, we close on both on the same day :)  April 4th.

Monday, February 3, 2014


Prayers if you read this in the next day would be appreciated.  I haven't updated our life craziness right now, but Christian and I have decided to move forward with putting our house on the market and looking for a new place to move to.

Last weekend Christian and I went out with our realtor to look at houses, just to get a feel for what's out there right now.  There was no intention on putting an offer on a house, as our house is not even on the market yet (February 20th will be that date!).  We looked at 10 properties, and fell in love with one.  The bonus was that the price was actually quite nice compared to the others we were looking at, and have now been faced with a decision of what to do moving forward.

Long story short, we have placed an offer on the house today and are in the process of negotiating with the sellers.  It's a little surreal that we could be entering in to a contract tomorrow with a house.  Or we could not.  We know that is absolutely a possibility as well.  The great thing is, we are okay with it.  I have been praying ever since we decided to put our house on the market that God would direct our steps and give us peace.  This house is beautiful and would be a great house to be in as our children grow older.  We also know that we haven't put our house on the market so we're not desperate and believe that we will find a house for us when the timing is right.

Time will tell - and right now we are just asking for continued prayers while in this process.  It's been a crazy and exciting and nerve wracking and stressful process.  We are still working on getting our house ready to be on the market, I'm 21+ weeks pregnant, we might be in contract to buy a house within a day...oh, and we're headed to London on Friday for 5 days without the boys.  Life is intense and busy, and I'm so glad that Christian is the one by my side to do it all!