Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Ford Family Christmas

Last post of 2013!  Another year comes and goes.  It's been a great year where we were able to welcome little Asher into our family, and I'm definitely looking forward to what next year holds as well.  As I concluded in my last post, this Christmas contained the fun excitement of four little boys 3 and under, and Deanna is just days/hours/minutes away from adding a baby girl to the mix.  We get to bring in a little one in June, and you just never know what the future holds for the rest of us post June!  My parents are in for some fun times ahead as grandparents!!  And we're in for some fun family gatherings at Christmas :)  I can't wait to watch all these little ones grow up, and really hope they're able to find some fun with everyone being close in age.  Micah has really taken to Luke, asking if he would be coming over to play, or would he be there when he woke up from sleeping, etc, and I'm excited to watch the relationship develop over the years.

The first night we were there, we brought out some sugar cookie decorating for the boys.

Christian got the privilege (heehee) of holding read for the decorating!

Luke and Micah just happened to be wearing the same shirt.  So funny!

Reid enjoying some sprinkles on his green snowman.

Micah enjoying sprinkling his own cookie.

Unfortunately that night (or actually the next morning) Micah woke up with a stomach bug.  Four hours later and 4-5 pukings later, he was finally past the worst.  Unfortunately, some form of his bug was passed on to just about everyone else in the house.  Christian came down with fever, aches, chills that lasted 2-3 days, Deanna and Luke started to feel it a couple of days later, my mom and dad a day after that, and Liza a day after that.  That is definitely one part that I wish couldn't go down in the memory books, but unfortunately I can erase it either.  Ah well, part of family gatherings over the holidays, right?
Luke and Reid playing outside with a sick Micah inside.  The one bonus for the boys was that the day was beautiful and they could at least enjoy it outdoors!

Jeff and Liza arrive!!  And bring sweet baby Asher with them.  This boy could eat all.the.time.

Christmas picture #1 (with no Micah, Christian, Grandma or Mom)

Christmas picture #2 (with no Liza or mom)

After dinner it was present time!  Asher was already down for the night due to being on Florida time and a crazy day of traveling, but everyone else was present to enjoy the festivities.

Somehow Micah scored the big seat!

Sweet moments - maybe the last picture as a family of 3!

Reid favorite toy - the iPad...

Elmo for Asher!

Not sure, but love both their faces here.

Checking out his writing gift from Uncle Mike and Aunt Deanna and Luke.

Luke sporting the big brother tee.

Ready for church the next day, Nana Kay sits down to read one of Reid's favorite books, 
"Brown Bear."

Sweet moments with Nana Kay and her grandsons.

We changed Reid to his Bears sweatshirt after church, but it didn't seem to make any difference.  Someone tell me again, WHY are we Bears fans???

Love Reid's and Asher's faces here!  Reid smiley as ever, and Asher thinking, what's so good about being in this box, dude?

Why not add one more to the mix??

Cousin show time!  So sweet watching these two interact.

Father and son bonding time - precious.

Asher skyping with Aunt Kari in Africa.  We missed them being with us this year!  

A Nana Kay, Papa C picture with Asher!

I had had visions of all four kids doing a mini-gingerbread house with their parents (and grandparents) but the vision was too ambitious with everything else that went on this year.  Add in the sickness component that was passed around the house, and there was always someone down for the count.  Since it didn't quite work out as planned, Reid and Micah still had a good time partaking in the decoration (Reid more so eating that decorating) but I'm thinking it will be a fun activity for the future.

Aw, love this picture with our family and my big bro's family!  It's been a long journey, but Asher is here and a welcomed member of the family!  We're so glad he's found amazing parents and can't wait to see what else the Lord has in store for him.

Nana Kay doing what she does best, reading and singing with my boys.  They both just love books, and Micah in particular, loves all the songs she sings (wether made up or legitimate) and I love watching the bonding that goes on.  Makes my heart happy ;)

And that's it!  Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  Looking forward to what 2014 has in store!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Belated Thanksgiving Post

As promised, I finally have my pictures from our time in St. Louis for Thanksgiving.  I needed the pictures from my mom's camera since I didn't take any myself, and seeing that I forgot to get them before we left, I had to wait until Christmas. Better late than never, right?  Here is my very delayed post.

The first morning we were there we met up with Mike, Deanna and Luke at Magic House (a very cool, huge Children's Museum!) and had a blast.  The boys were a bit tired from lack of sleep the day before, but they really enjoyed exploring!
Micah and Luke

Sweet Reid

Luke fishing while Mom and Dad look on

Reid and Grandma

Luke and Grandma

A huge sand table all three boys enjoyed.  I stayed clear of the huge water table, as I didn't bring a change of clothes, and Reid for sure would've been soaked!

It was after these pictures that we literally lost Micah for about 15 minutes.  Christian and I held our cool, but as time kept passing by and we hadn't found him yet, my insides began churning.  This museum was huge with 3-4 levels, and there was no telling what had happened to him.  Thankfully we did find him, and he just kept saying, "I couldn't find you..."  oh, surreal, scary parenting moment...

Reid enjoying the football section!

After a good nap, the boys were enjoying a show together.  I was struck by how much they looked like brothers in this picture!

Micah helped my mom get out her nativity set. 

Reid just smiled 'cause he can :)

Enjoying a meal (and play time) together as cousins.  

Any day now Deanna will have her baby girl, and we'll continue to grow in our family!  Fun times ahead for the Ford family gatherings as there are currently 4 boys with two more on the way, and who knows how many after that :)