Friday, May 31, 2013

Happy 3rd Birthday Micah!

Dear Micah,

Happy 3rd birthday to my bright baby boy.  Okay, 3 probably means you aren't my baby anymore, but I think you will always be my baby.  You have had an exciting year with many big boy things (proving even more how much of a toddler you are becoming).  You transitioned to a big boy bed last fall (giving up your pacifier at the same time), and have done phenomenal with it!  The only time you try and get out is when you have to go potty - which is another exciting big boy event that has happened!  You have become potty trained, almost fully.  You are now only wearing a pull up at night (thanks to Nana Kay's doing while she watched you this past week - she took away the nap time pull up!) and most of the time waking up clean and dry from your night time sleep as well.  You are growing up so much and I want you to just slow down a little bit this next year, okay?

You've also really picked up on your shapes and higher counting this year.  You have learned how to spell your name, and although not perfect, you're doing a pretty good job.  You can count to 100, with a little bit of help here and there, and you're learning diamonds, pentagons, hexagons and octagons.  Your vocabulary continues to impress me, as well as your wit and ability to pick up on little bits of sarcasms.  Your memory is phenomenal and I'm amazed at how observant you are with your surroundings, even when it seems you're not paying attention. You are still enthralled with your kitchen and food, though it changes over time on how you actually play with it.  You love making food for the whole family, and I've seen your imagination grow tenfold throughout this year!

You love being a big brother, love Reidees, I know!  You try and hoard your toys at times, have meltdowns if he messes up your system but we continue to work on your ability to share.  You have become better as the year's gone on and go in stages of sharing well and not, but I know you'll get there Micah.  You're a good big brother and you look out for Reid when we're out and about.  You make sure he's not upset and try to help him if he is.  You don't like to see him crying and ask me about making him better.  

You are a sweet boy, Micah.  You make me laugh and bring both Daddy and myself such joy.  I'm so proud of you Micah baby.  I love watching you sing and dance in church, praising Jesus in your 2 (now 3) year old little way.  You light up my face, and I pray you always find ways to praise Jesus.  We love you Micah.  So much that my heart just wants to go plop :)


*Disclaimer:  I forgot to pick up a "3" candle so I put a "2" and "1" on Micah's cupcake :)  I made sure to get a 3 candle (thanks to my neighbor, actually :)) for his to come on that!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Water Fun!

I have been searching for a used (ie, inexpensive) water table, and came across a free one last week...that's right, free!  I figure nothing gets better than free, so I could always take the table and if it didn't fit my desires, pitch it and continue my search.  That is, indeed, what I have done (and grabbed a better one for only $10 via craigslist!) but that's going to Micah for his birthday so we are using the current one for right now.

Long intro to basically say, the boys are having a blast with this table and I'm wondering what took me so long to actually get one :)  (Oh, I remember, it's lack of space!  Particularly storage space when it's not being used...)

I love watching my boys playing together!  Micah looks so much older here, but I know it's just a matter of time before they'll truly be able to engage with each other on a different level.  Fun times ahead, that's for sure :)

Monday, May 20, 2013

Picture updates

I had a random set of pictures on my phone from the last couple of weeks that I wanted to make sure to get posted before too much time had passed.  

I ventured into kale chips, finally, and can't believe I took so long to make them in the first place!  Micah loved them, and I love getting healthy food in him :)  (Side note on the healthy food topic: 2 weeks ago we had to go to the ER to try and get broccoli out of Micah's nose.  Yep.  He had put some in his nose during lunch - accidentally or not, I'm not sure - but the only way to be sure it was gone was a $150/2 hour trip.  Ah, never a dull moment...)

We do quite a bit of picnic lunches at the park when it's nice out, and I just couldn't resist a couple of pictures.  I sure love my boys, and how adorable is Reid??!? :)

At home, taking pictures to send to Daddy while he was away on a business trip for the week.