Saturday, May 31, 2014

Happy 4th Birthday, Micah!!

Dear Micah,

How is it that you are 4 already?  I feel that I've just blinked my eyes and you've grown.  Time needs to start slowing down, because pretty soon you'll be off to college if I don't watch out!  You bring me so much joy, buddy.  You light up my world day in and day out.  I love watching you experience life.  I love watching you figure new things out, and seeing the lightbulb go off when you discover something new.  You are such a bright little boy that is continually keeping me on my toes!  And while I get a little exasperated sometimes, I'm truly grateful for your amazing personality and know it's going to take you far in life, and I am just along for the ride.  God has blessed me with an amazing little boy and I'm trying to not take a second for granted with you.

You have such a love of learning, Micah.  You have pretty much mastered your letters and numbers and you love to do anything with journals and coloring books, etc.  You have filled up journal after journal with pictures and drawings and writings.  You've also discovered word searches and connect the dots and crosswords this year to add to your repertoire.  Reading is a close second for one of your favorite things to do.  While you prefer being read do (and could do that for hours!) you also enjoy "reading" books.  Lately you have begun reading to Reid, and it's bar none, one of the sweetest things to watch.

Speaking of Reid, you love your little brother!  While you two fight quite often right now, I also know that you love each other so much, and are really trying to figure out the best way to play together.  Just last week we were with friends and Reid fell down, and you said, "Hold on, I have to go and help my brother!"  You make each other laugh and provide entertainment for everything throughout the day, and I can only imagine what's going to happen in a short 10 days when baby sister arrives.  You're excited to become a big brother again, and I know you're going to take that role with pride and joy.

We've also started an allowance with you and a "responsibility chart" which seems to be right up your alley.  You thrive with positive reinforcement and I've learned that that is a way to help encourage positive behavior with you and it really works!  I love discovering new ways that seem to help us both in this crazy journey we're on Micah.

Your daddy and I love you so very much baby boy.  And I know you're not a baby anymore.  But you'll always be my baby :)  You bring me such happiness and joy.  No matter the day we've had, when I tuck you in at night my heart is so big for love for you that I don't even know how to contain it or express it.  I'm so grateful for your life, your heart, your smile, your spirit.  You love us so much and I love your love.  I love your hugs and your actions and your kind words.  Always stay so loving Micah.  Always show Mommy and Daddy how much you love us.  Thank you for bringing me such joy.  A joy like none I never knew before becoming your mom.

Here's to another year! Happy 4th Birthday big boy!  I love you.


4 year doctor stats (done on May 1, 2014):  Height = 3'6" (88%) and Weight = 40 lb, 10 oz (86%)


What better way to hang out with friends for an extended period of time, then to have a sleepover with both adults and kids??  So that's what we did with our good friends Jason and Betsy Davis - and their kids Jackson and Norah.  The kids had a blast, and it was pretty fun for the adults too :)  The bonus?  We did this the night before Micah's 4th, so when he woke up the next day it was like we had done a birthday sleepover just for him!

Story time before bed.  So sweet.

Reid was concerned with making sure Norah was there for the story and not just him.

And, I'm 4!!

No matter we're in our pajamas and it's not even 8am, it's time to ride our toys!


And breakfast.  I made a rather intense waffle recipe that didn't turn out quite like I had hoped, but was good nonetheless.

Thanks Davis' for packing up your house for a night so that we could all enjoy just a bit more time together.  We're thankful for your friendship for both us and the kids :)

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Warren Dunes!!

Last Sunday we took advantage of the beautiful weather and headed to the dunes for the day.  The boys are at a point where they can miss their nap (seeing that Micah rarely naps anymore anyways) and Reid's a little more flexible when his sleep schedule is disturbed.  The dunes are less than 2 hours away and it was a perfect day trip to do!  We really just had a great time and plan to do it again sometime this summer after baby girl arrives.

Look at the sweet, sweet smile!  Love that boy!!

Sweet daddy and son picture.

Micah climbed all the way up the dunes by himself, twice!!

I love this shot too - so, so sweet.  Reid was anxious to go with Daddy up the dunes when just Christian and Micah went, but he wouldn't let Christian put him down the entire climb.  So Micah climbed again, alone, and Christian climbed again carrying Reid!

Again, so so sweet!  Love my boys.

Don't be deceived by the missing belly in this shot - I am a huge 37 weeks pregnant behind those boys that are hiding me :)


Hat time as we had been out in the sun for a couple of hours...nearing our time to go, as Reid was nearing his breaking point :)

Back in the car, Micah earned his iPad time.  And might I add, WHO is that BIG BOY in the high back booster???

This boy loves to color, whether it's pad and paper, his easel, or the iPad.  We have an artist on our hands for sure ;)

And here's Reid, literally minutes in the car on the drive home.  Sweet, tired little boy.  Who looks huge in his car seat as well...and will look much bigger, I'm sure, in a couple of weeks!

What fun memories we made, and are continuing to make as a family.  Micah commented a few times about how much fun the beach was, and also the time we took the train, and...I love that we're creating memory makers for our boys that will last us (at least Christian and I) a lifetime.