Friday, December 31, 2010

7 months already?!?

So we meet again, Mickey...

Happy seven months Micah - as well as Happy New Year! You share your 7 months with the ending of 2010 and the beginning of 2011. We have had a very busy but very fun month with the celebration of 3 separate Christmas'! You were also able to see family members (some of whom you met long ago, some of whom you had never met) and everyone loved and loved on you.

Doctor Stats: 18.8 pounds (50%)

Things to remember:
  • how you love to make pterodactyl sounds when you laugh
  • how you have begun army "scootching"
  • how you are SO CLOSE to crawling and are constantly up on all fours, only to move backwards instead of forwards
  • how you are learning so much that your night-time sleep is starting to be compromised...I will wake up and see you up on all fours and rolling around your crib at 3:30am
  • how you graduated to 2nd foods this month and also dropped another feeding
  • how you continue to love every single food that we feed you
  • how you took a bath in a real bathtub for the first time and loved it:)
  • how you love to laugh at various word phrases such as "P-U Stinky" and "I love you MICAH"
  • how we had to lower your crib this month because you are getting to be such a big boy!!!
  • how you have said the words "hi", "dada" and "mama" this month - even though we know you don't know the meaning of it yet, it is still really fun to hear

Christmas #3 - Ford side

We are ending the year with a trip to my parents house with a Christmas and New Years celebration. What an amazing year it has been and to top it all off, Micah turns 7 months today! But, that is for another post and a picture with Mickey. We had a great time with my brothers and their wives, Nana Kay and Papa C, and of course great-grandma. Micah has such wonderful family, on both mine and Christian's side, and we are so grateful for that.

The first sequence of pictures are from a night when we met up with two of my high school youth group friends and their families. Olive (Luke Goodlett's daughter) was born May 3rd, Micah on May 31st and, Jackson (Jason Davis' son) on June 25th. It was fun to watch the 3 interact and makes me wish I had playmates close by for Micah. He just loves being around other kids, is so curious, and has such a great time interacting and playing with them.

Micah: "Oh, pretty..."

Olive: "What is he doing to me?!"

Jason and Jackson, Me and Micah, Luke and Olive (Luke also has a 2 1/2 year old boy named Hayden)

The girls - Betsy, me and Teresa

The next picture sequence show Micah in the big boy bath for the first time...he LOVED it! This boy absolutely loves the water - and unlike his Daddy, we are predicting him to be our swimmer.

The last sequence of pictures are just from those taken while hanging out around the house. Micah had a great time with all of his aunts and uncles, g-ma, g-pa and great g-ma.

Micah with Aunt Deanna and Uncle Mike

It's gift time, and Micah loves that red tissue paper!! This was right before we skyped with Aunt Kari, who was off in Madrid enjoying some relaxing time away from Dakar Senegal, West Africa.

Micah with Uncle Jeff and Aunt Liza

Nana Kay and Micah

Daddy providing a good example of what to eat (salad in case you can't tell) because Micah really like to analyze everything we put in our mouths.

Chillin' with Aunt Liza after waking up from a nap

Nana Kay, me, Micah and Papa C

All of the above, as well as Great-Grandma Ford:)

We were so blessed with such a wonderful holiday!

Sunday, December 26, 2010



For all you Illinois fans out there, this one's for you:)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas #2 - Momma, Daddy and Micah

The past couple of years Christian and I have spent Christmas as just the two of us, celebrating at our house in the midst of Lauffer and Ford side celebrations. Although the first year I felt slightly saddened by Christmas being just us two, I am now a little excited about the tradition we are beginning. I figure as we (hopefully) continue to have children and they grow older, it will be fun to be in our own home on Christmas morning and celebrate as our family.

"I'm so excited!"

"I will conquer you wrapping paper!"

Micah's so fast and strong, he's tearing the tissue paper in two and the camera can't capture it quick enough:)

Perfect little present?? How about fussy little present:)

But that's just because he was tired. Very long morning - time for a nap!

Up from my nap and ready to go for more.

Now it's time for Micah Santa!

The ornaments are much more exciting than the camera.

Unwrapping his present from Mommy and Daddy.

Playing amidst all the tissue and toys.

"What a fun day Momma!"

As you can see, today was our first taste of our family celebration - and although Micah knows nothing about the meaning/significance of today, he did love sitting in the middle of tissue paper and wrapping paper and bows. Such simple things for a child.

It has also become a tradition for Christian to make crab cakes on either Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, and while that isn't your typical ham or turkey, we love it and they are soooo yummy! Unfortunately as the day progressed Micah got fussy and sick (we think due to his constant teething) and Christian started to feel feverish and the day ended early with everyone in bed. Overall, we had a wonderful day of family time and remembering the birth of our Savior. Thank you Jesus for such a wonderful gift.