Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Yummy Hunny (pots) filled with Candy

Halloween...take it or leave least that's how I felt pre-kid.  But seeing little kiddos all dressed up makes Halloween that much more enjoyable, and this year was no different.  Our friends, the Koss', have kindly opened up their home the past 2 years for what is becoming a fun small group tradition and it's crazy that Micah is on his 3rd halloween!  What a big boy he is becoming.  And it's also crazy to think that Reid is older than Micah was on his first Halloween.  Oh, how fast time is going.

We weren't sure Halloween was going to happen for the entire family this year because originally Christian was going to be tied up with work, but due to some last minute changes, he was able to be a part of the night and I'm very grateful.  I knew I wanted Reid to be in this little classic Pooh costume due to the warmth it would provide while being outside, so when I stumbled upon the real Pool costume at Once Upon A Child, I couldn't resist.  I thought that would be so cute to have Micah and Reid both as Poohs, but not matching ones.  I know I'm biased, but I think my boys are just the cutest Winnie the Poohs ever :)  It was hard to be selective on my pictures...but considering that 105 were taken, 23 isn't too bad, haha.

I love this first sequence of pictures.  It's rare that we get pictures of just the two boys, but I'm hoping that will come as Reid gets a little older.  Micah was soooo excited to get candy!  It's fun to see him old enough to actually participate in a holiday and understand the cause and effect.

Me and my boys - love!

Micah did a pretty good job trick-or-treating, and was very concerned that Reid got his share as well.  At every house, he would get his candy and then go to take a second (which was definitely for Reid, every time) and I had to inform more than one person that Micah wasn't trying to take two for himself...he really was trying to make sure his brother got one.  He would even tell them "it's for Reid" even though they didn't really understand.
Oh, look at all the candy.  I can't wait to eat it.

Hurry, hurry, more candy!!


Sweet Reid - he did a great job "holding" his Hunny pot just on his hand...he didn't even move his arm!

All the kiddos we were trick-or-treating with.  

Look what I got!

I love how Reid is looking up at Christian here...

And how they are both looking at each other here.

My happy Winnie the Pooh Bear! 

 I'm also pleased with our 2 family pictures - too rare these days.


About an hour in, Reid was starting to melt (he had been up since 2pm, and it was 6:15pm) and Micah was starting to slow down as back to our home base we went to pack up and go home.  I wanted to try and get another shot of the two boys with Reid not in the stroller, but it was just a little too dark to get great pictures.  Still, in black and white, they aren't too bad.  I so love my boys! 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sleep update

Last night was the best night we've had with Reid to date.

After his 6 month appointment yesterday, I told Christian we were instituting tough love with Reid and that the "factory" was closed prior to midnight.  I feel confident that Reid shouldn't be eating prior to midnight, and really should only need to eat 1 time over the night, so I figure we'll start with the first awakening and go from there.  Well, he cried out at midnight on the dot, not 12:01 or 12:02...coincidence?? :)  The great thing is that he only cried for a minute or two and then slept until 4:45 am!!  By far the best he's done.

We put Reid in socks and also picked up a heater to help keep his room from getting too cold, since a couple nights ago I realized he was freezing when I went to him.  Maybe that was what has been bothering him all along?  We'll see what happens tonight in that department, but I would love it if it was the fix and didn't require any tough love from us :)

Praying we have this figured out soon so that better sleep can begin happening for the whole Lauffer family!

First Foods

Well, this is a first Reid didn't seem to enjoy too much :)  Note almost all of his facial expressions in the pictures and it's clear.  Micah definitely took to food quite a bit easier than Reid did, at least based on this first experience, so it will be interesting to see what happens moving forward.  Micah was all hands on, give me the spoon and let me do it myself, get the food in my mouth quicker...Reid was more "what is this?" "gag me" (literally) "why would you give this to me?"  To Reid's credit, I gave him peas (I know, what was I thinking!?!!) and Micah got cereal first, so that probably has something to do with it.  Oh, what fun experiences it is having little ones around :)

Whoa, what is this?  A spoon?

Seriously - what's on this spoon, Momma?

Oh my, this is disgusting.  Why would you ever put that in my mouth?

Daddy - can you help me out?

Oh my gosh - I'm gonna throw up.  

More?  Do I have to?

Alright, I'll try it again.

Eww, it's still peas...ughh...

Seriously, you're still putting that food in my mouth?

Oh, this is different...hmm...

Nope, still don't like it :)

We tried the same combo again tonight, and I started with the cereal, and he ate it all.  He also ate some of the peas (which I warmed up this time) so maybe we'll make progress quicker than I originally thought based on last night's experience. 

Friday, October 26, 2012


Jackson and the Arboretum.  Best part of the day was when they held hands down some stairs and over to the fence to look at something.  I love watching Micah interacting with other kiddos his age.  Sweet memories.

They were bouncing each other up and down on the spiderweb...

And throwing rocks in to the water (though Jackson has quite the arm and was able to get Micah wet across the way).  


Fun times with my boys - growing up too fast, as always!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

6 months...half a year?!!??!

Whoa, where does time go??  Is it really possible that Reid is 6 months old already?  Some days I feel that he's been with us forever and have a hard time imaging life without him...while other days (or nights, haha) I feel like I'm still with a newborn :)  He is just the sweetest little boy who has had a HUGE month developmentally.  From getting his two bottom teeth to sitting up to rocking on all fours to "schooching" to (just today, on his 6 month birthday!) going from a laying position to a sitting position, Reid has really changed quite a bit this month.  Add his first haircut and sitting in a shopping cart to that, and my baby is starting to seem less and less like a baby...if that's possible.  He's really at a fun stage, smiling from ear to ear as mom, dad or big brother walk in the room, and provides such a joy in our lives.  He's also become quite the moover...I'll leave him in one spot in a room, go do something and come back to find him in a completely different spot.  Might be time to start thinking about safety gates again:) 

Hey Momma - guess what?  I'm 6 months old today!

Yes, that's heard me. 6 months!

Now, what have we here?  This guys looks familiar...

But big brother's kinda funny...

Oh, his nose is just so squeezable...

and so kissable...

I just love being in the spotlight!

But enough is last smile, then I'm outta here.

Doctor Stats: weight - 16 lbs, 11 oz (40%)
                      height - 27.5 inches (80%)
                      head circumference - 17.25 inches (75%)

Things to remember:
  • How rough you have had it with your 2 bottom teeth making their appearance, interrupting the sleep you do get at night and causing our happy boy to be a little more fussy than usual.
  • How you learned how to sit up all by yourself.  You're still a little unsteady, but only a little.
  • How you have been rocking on all fours.
  • How that rocking on all fours has catapulted you to getting objects all around the're quite the little mover!  You are not quite crawling, but more pushing off with your legs and then face planting as you try to move forward.  Too soon, I feel, you'll be officially crawling. 
  • How you started taking intense interest in your foot this month...even making it to your mouth a few times.
  • How you got your first haircut and seem like such a big boy to me!!
  • How you learned, on your 6 month birthday, how to go from a crawling/laying position to a sitting position.
  • How expressive your smile is and gives off a twinkle in your eyes.  You just love when you see Momma, Daddy or big brother Micah coming to play with you.
  • How much you LOVE your jumparoo.  Your little legs are always on the move, and this little toy helps keep you moving without actually going anywhere.
  • How well you did on Mommy's overnight trip away.  I was very anxious, but you did so great with a bottle for Nana Kay and Papa C!
  • How we have been able to get a few one-time wakings at night.  They are still quite infrequent, and you are still quite inconsistent with your nighttime sleeping, but we'll get there...
  • How ticklish you are...I just love your belly laughs :)

Happy 6 months sweet Reid!  Now, slow down just a little bit in month 7, okay? :)

Reid's First Haircut!!

It is really true??  Well, yes, after willing myself to hold out to cut Reid's hair until he turned 6 months, he received his first haircut at 2 days shy of 6 months.  I kept it long, not wanting to change the look too much of my baby, but still took off maybe 1 - 1 1/2 inches from the top.  Thanks to my friend Kate Koss, who also did Micah's first haircut, for taking on Reid too.  Yes, she taught me how to cut hair, and I have been cutting Micah's for over 2 years now, but I get nervous when it's just scissors involved :)

All ready to go, sunglasses and all, haha.


Look at my big boy!!  


He may have his first hair cut 2 months sooner than big brother, but it was certainly needed!  Such a sweet boy who can now see when the wind is blowing his hair across his forehead.  :)  Love this little guy.