Tuesday, April 25, 2017

A whole hand old! (Happy Birthday Reid!)

Dear Reid,

I blink and we're here again - celebrating yet another of you turning older. It doesn't seem to matter what I do, you continue to grow up and get older and now you are a whole hand ✋.  I feel like I am writing some of the same thing every year Reid, but that's because it's the truth. You have a smile that is so infectious and lights up a room. You have the ability to make anyone's grumpiness and disappear with your sweet laugh and big personality that just loves life. Your giggle is fantastic and I'm so glad that hasn't disappeared as you're getting older. What a joy it is to be your momma and watch you grow. You are independent and stubborn and loving and ever so thoughtful.

Year 5 has been fun, Reid, and I can't believe this means that in a few short months you'll be heading out the door to go to kindergarten (someone hold me, please!). You have been in preschool 4s this year, and are so smart and bright. Your teacher comments how smart you are and how you are a leader in the classroom. She also said that the girls are sweet on you. "There's just something about Reid" she'll say. "All the girls want to be friends with Reid." and I find that to be ever so true sweet boy. You have a soft spot for these girls in your life, and treat them with such respect and honor (as much as a 4, now 5 year old can)! I love watching your friendships develop and Mrs. Holmes is right, you are a leader. I see that in the classroom and also when you play at home. Maybe not so much with Micah and his friends, but with Gemma and your own friends, you like to lead, but not in a bossy way which I think is a good sign.

Speaking of your siblings, man alive Reid, you and Gemma have really become best buds this year. Poor Micah is gone all.day.long at school and therefore you and Gemma have the chance to grow your sibling bond. You guys are always playing something creative, and she looks up to you so much Reid! My prayer for you is that you always guide her in a positive direction and help her to understand how valued she is by you, her family, and God. I pray you are the best big brother example she can have because the love between you two is so deep and rich. And Micah. You and Micah have a different type of relationship that consists of playing together, fighting, whining, playing together. You love each other so much...always giving him hugs and kisses on his way out the door and running to him when he gets off the bus. You certainly miss his being around during the day (although I'll admit I appreciate the moments of peace and quiet🙊) and are ever so grateful for him coming back home, even if only for 5 minutes before the fighting might ensue. My prayer for you two is that you continue to learn how to play together peacefully and soaking in the precious advantages to having a brother close in age with you.

You are such a delight Reid and we love you so much. You love to ride your bike (now on an 18in!), look at the days on your calendar, check out the weather, build with magna tiles (and boy are you good!), help mommy in the kitchen and really where ever you can add value. You love having a job or task to do that makes you feel more grown up. You're a lover and a snuggler who is also loud and sometimes quite feisty. You add such joy and happiness to our life Reid, and we're so grateful for you. I hope you have enjoyed your 5th birthday ever so much and can't wait to see what this next year of life brings you sweet boy.

I love you to the moon and back, all over the world, to infinity and beyond, I love you, I love you.


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Monday, April 24, 2017

Celebrating Reidees!

Reid had a little friend Paw Patrol Paw-ty over the weekend and it was a smashing success (if I say so myself). We were so thankful to have a gorgeous day (which is super rare for a Lauffer birthday party celebration!) and the kids all seemed to enjoy the games and activities and food. It was so fun celebrating Reid and making him feel special, and I think he loved it which makes it all worth it!