Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Micah!!!

"Okay, Mickey...this is it! We're done after today!"

"That's because I'm a BIG boy now, Mickey. But thank for spending the last 12 months with me. As a lasting memory, I'd like to grab your nose."

"Hi Momma. Did you know I'm one today?!?!"

"Isn't that so great? I just love being one year old!"

"Oh, it just makes me smile thinking of all the things I can do now..."

"It is just the best being such a big boy!"

"Thanks for taking my picture with Mickey all year Momma. You're the best:)"

How is it possible? How can it be that I have a one-year-old? This past year his been a whirlwind - but absolutely the best year ever. Christian and I have had so much fun trying out this parent thing and discovering the wonderful blessing that God has given us in the form of Micah. This month has provided some new wonderful memories...my favorite being that Micah has started walking! My mom said he looked like a drunken cowboy, because he walks so unsteadily and like he just got off a saddle:) But he'll get better as time goes on! We went to the Arboretum yesterday and he had such a great time walking up and down the ramps to see the different areas in the Children's Garden. He's going to have a blast there this summer.

We had a great time celebrating his year birthday last Saturday (pics soon to follow this post with that party) and were so grateful our good friends and family could join us. I can't wait to see what the next year has to bring, as it will certainly be hard to top the joy we had this past year:)

Micah doesn't go to the doctor until next week, so I'll make sure to post his stats shortly thereafter.

Things to remember:
  • how you started walking this month! A little shy of 11 1/2 months you took your first steps and are just getting better and better each day:)
  • how you had your first ear infection, poor baby! But we got through it, and I pray for those to be few and far between.
  • how much you love to be outside. You get so excited when the garage opens, and start waving and saying hi with such happiness. You also cry when I try and bring you back in:)
  • how you are almost ready to pop through your top two teeth...I can see their whites and know they are so close to showing themselves!
  • how you transitioned to cow's milk this month...only!
  • how sweet your smile is and how excited you get when you see Mommy and Daddy.
  • how you love to say "hi" and "bye" and wave. Sometimes to strangers, or to no one, but I still love how you have become to vocalize.
  • how you recognize more and more words...this month include bird, baby, light and fan.
We feel the love you have for us Micah baby and love giving it right back to you. Thank you for letting us raise you and be your parents. Thank you for giving us such a great year. Thank you for being an amazing sleeper, a happy boy and a great traveler. We love your beautiful eyes, your fun smile and your spirited demeanor. You are a treasure to us and we feel so blessed to have you!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Summer fun

Micah has really taken to the outdoors lately. So much so, that he screams and cries when we try to bring him in...we're still working on that:) Yesterday we were able to take advantage of some nice weather with our small group BBQ and Micah was thoroughly enjoying being outside!

"Oh, I love this fresh air!"

"Hmm...where to go play next?"

"Oh, the slide! Yes, that looks fun."

"Is it okay, Momma? Can I play on the slide?"

"I love my Daddy."


"Oh, this is just so fun. Can I be outside forever?"

"Hmm, what's going on over there?"

"I'm such a big boy!"

"I'm having such a good time today, Momma and Daddy:)"

Love my boys.

"This swing isn't so bad after all..."

"But I'd really like to be over there, riding in that tractor trailor like all the other kids!"

"Seriously, Mom...can I go?"

"No? Well, okay...I guess it's not so bad being here."

"I love you, Momma."

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


...is being made. Micah finally ate something more than bread or puffs today! I couldn't get him to eat anything yesterday, and this morning started out with said carbs. Thankfully though, around lunch time, I was able to get him to eat a little banana, cheese, and some rice cereal with a little bit of fruit. My baby's coming back:) After lunch and before nap time he finally started to play around a little bit as well...so I think he's finally starting to feel a little better. It's been a rough couple of days and I'm grateful it looks like he's on the mend.

Monday, May 16, 2011

103.3 = ear infection

Micah is a trooper! We just got back from the emergency room, and the poor baby has his first ear infection. I know lots of kids get them, and we've been very, very blessed with a healthy baby, but it doesn't make it any easier when your little boy is a fireball of heat and in pain.

His 2nd nap today was interesting, as he woke up, went back down, moaned while trying to fall back asleep, and finally did for an extra hour. Once he was finally up, I noticed he felt a bit warm...but didn't worry too much. After dinner though, he seemed even warmer and his temperature registered in at 99.1. I put him down for bed at 7pm, he went out moaning to himself (which isn't uncommon, but it lasted longer than normal) and then at 9pm, I noticed he was awake. He wasn't crying, but he was tossing a little and then just laying there wide-eyed. (Thank goodness for video monitors!). I decided to go and check on him because something just didn't seem right, and discovered a 102.2 fever. Christian tried to get in touch with the on-call doctor, but it was going to be a 40 minute wait, and I was nervous about the fever, so we headed to the emergency room instead.

An hour and a half later, after a 103.3 fever and a screaming little boy, Micah was diagnosed with an ear infection. Thankfully we got the antibiotic and I am praying it takes effect quickly. No fun, dealing with sick kids...and I know this is so minor in the big picture. I am amazed at all you parents out there who have dealt with much worse. It's so hard to see your kiddos in pain. We'll get through this, for sure:), but in the meantime, I pray for comfort for Micah.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Music Man

Micah loves music. He's always seemed to take a liking to any music he hears...I remember when he was 3 or 4 months old when we were at church and someone stopped us after the service telling us how Micah was clapping in time to the music. So funny.

So - when he received a lovely drum set from his buddy Jackson Davis last night as an early birthday gift, I knew he'd love it. :) We broke it out today and Micah was in heaven!

The fridge farm animals have also been a great source of entertainment for Micah. He loves singing and dancing as the music gets going. It's a little hard to tell in these 2 clips (especially the second, because once he noticed the camera he was done, haha), but you can still get the idea.

Micah also had his best walking morning yet. He was all over the house, up and down stairs, talking up a storm as well as walking when he decided crawling wasn't enough! In this video he walks to the drum, but right before that he literally walked from where the drum is to where I was sitting on the couch video taping. It's definitely starting to click in his little head.

And, I think he really wore himself out, because he's now been sleeping for over 2 hours after a solid week of short and sporadic napping. Way to go Micah!!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Baby Steps!!

They are indeed baby steps, but Micah is beginning to walk! It started last Sunday (Mother's Day, mind you!), when he took his first official step between the ottoman and the couch. Well, stepping forward and falling into the couch...so I wasn't sure if that truly counted as a step or not, but slowly and surely this week he has been trying it more and more. And succeeding! :)

Last night was the best he had done so far, and I was able to capture of couple of those moments on video, which was good since Christian had flown out for the night. What joy to watch your baby learning and growing, physically and intellectually! I'm so proud of Micah and am excited to watch as the unsteady and unsure boy transforms to a confident, mobile, little boy!

We were watching the cooking channel, so I apologize for the noise in the background.

Paula Deen - you could pick her voice out blindfolded:)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Mother's Day. A time to celebrate and honor those amazing women who gave birth and encounter the ups and downs, highs and lows, and good and bad that comes with raising children. I have the most amazing mother. She is one of the most kind, loving, and supportive women I know. She is always there for me - when I need a shoulder to cry on, an ear for listening and a friend to give advice, and I love my mother with all my heart.

This year I have an even deeper understanding of what this Hallmark holiday means. I am blessed beyond measure to be the mother to a beautiful 11 month old boy. Mother's Day has been a somewhat tumultuous day for me over the past 3 years, but I have tried to hold tight to God's promises:

"11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future," Jeremiah 29:11.

Regardless of what we have been through, God knows our desires and has our best in mind. God knew the path Christian and I would take to becoming parents. Nothing we went through took Him by surprise, and on this side of things, I am grateful. I couldn't imagine life without Micah. We have been blessed with one of the greatest gifts we could receive - that of being parents. I am so happy to be able to celebrate my first official mother's day with a child in hand.

Our weekend started with a church service on Saturday night. Micah wasn't completely in the mood for pictures, but we made do!

Sunday morning began at 4:38am with a wake-up call from Micah. Apparently he just wanted me to enjoy some longevity out of my first Mother's Day:) Thankfully he did go back to sleep for about a half-hour at 5:45am giving me a little extra snoozing before getting up for the day.

We decided to go for a run as a family since God has blessed us with a beautiful day! I'm certainly grateful for family runs...I couldn't ask for a better way to start the day.

Micah and I enjoying some beautiful scenery after our run.

After our run, naps and cleaning up, Christian presented me with my gifts - one of which was a lovely charm bracelet that held a locket and the letter "M"! Then we headed out to grab some brunch (which didn't quite go as planned) but we had a good time regardless. I have an amazing husband who honors and treats me with great respect.

"When is this food coming, already?"

Following "brunch" Christian dropped me off at my friend Carrington's house to have some kid-free girl time which included shopping in downtown Naperville:). You can never go wrong there, right? We then met up with the boys and kids to end the day back at Carrington's house with dinner and well-rounded conversation.

What a great day! And although I am exhausted now, I had such a great weekend with my boys.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

There's a first time for everything...

and this time included my first solo Micah haircut! In 3 tries. And I probably could still stand to do one more:) Micah is on his 3rd haircut: my friend Kate did the first one, and 90% of the second one...so I was up this time around! I was still supervised by Kate for part I of this 3rd cut, but I did it all myself (using clippers instead of scissors!). Micah did great with the clippers, and although I had to touch it up twice at home, I still think it turned out pretty good.

"Check me out, after part I of my haircut!"

"Aren't I so-o-o sweet?"

"Okay, I know I'm kinda scary here, but you can just slightly see the shorter hair after part III. Momma did a pretty good job, even though I cried throughout the cutting part!"