Sunday, May 15, 2011

Music Man

Micah loves music. He's always seemed to take a liking to any music he hears...I remember when he was 3 or 4 months old when we were at church and someone stopped us after the service telling us how Micah was clapping in time to the music. So funny.

So - when he received a lovely drum set from his buddy Jackson Davis last night as an early birthday gift, I knew he'd love it. :) We broke it out today and Micah was in heaven!

The fridge farm animals have also been a great source of entertainment for Micah. He loves singing and dancing as the music gets going. It's a little hard to tell in these 2 clips (especially the second, because once he noticed the camera he was done, haha), but you can still get the idea.

Micah also had his best walking morning yet. He was all over the house, up and down stairs, talking up a storm as well as walking when he decided crawling wasn't enough! In this video he walks to the drum, but right before that he literally walked from where the drum is to where I was sitting on the couch video taping. It's definitely starting to click in his little head.

And, I think he really wore himself out, because he's now been sleeping for over 2 hours after a solid week of short and sporadic napping. Way to go Micah!!

1 comment:

  1. How fun! He does have music genes on both sides of the family! :-)
