Saturday, October 31, 2015

Random October

From trapezoidal pumpkins to cutting my hand with a pizza cutter to Abbey Farms festival fun to everyday life at home, October was a fun month!  AND Reid learned to write his name for the first time, and I'm so proud of him.  Welcome November!


We had a cold, dreary and windy Halloween this year (rather appropriate for the occasion I guess) that started out with a wet soccer game and ended with a wet trick-or-treating excursion.  This is the first year we all went out as a family, and we met up with our new neighborhood friends, the Charlett's (Scott, Kim, Peyton, Beckham and Maddy).  The boys paired up, the girls ended up going back to our house with the dads after a few house and overall a great time was had!

Friday, October 30, 2015

Pumpkin Carving

The boys had been looking forward to carving pumpkins the entire month of October, and we finally figured out a time to do it *just* before Halloween.  They decided to go simple this year and do traditional Jack-O-Lanterns and each boy enjoyed their time with Daddy (which has been a bit more sparse this year due to Christian's crazy work schedule and traveling time away).  Love these traditions and memory makers as a family!

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Baby girl and her baby doll

Gemma was strolling her little baby around the house the other night and I was struck by the fact that I have a little girl in the house!  I absolutely love it.  I asked her to give her baby hugs and kisses, and she obliged, and then put her back in the stroller.  Such fun.


Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Jumping in big piles of leaves.  Doesn't that just bring you back to childhood??  It's nostalgia for me - makes me think this is what fall should be about.  Spending time together as a family, outside in the crisp air, raking big piles of leaves and then destroying them with high flying leaps in the air landing you in colorful heaven...or at least that's what I feel like it might feel like for kids!  It's moments like these when I realize the difference of seemingly "work" to a parent (so.many.leaves) to the "fun" for a child.  And I choose to live with the fun, making memories and enjoying times with my kiddos.  The work can wait.