Friday, December 9, 2011

Oh Boy, Oh Boy!

I think most know at this point, but we're happy to announce that Micah's going to be a big brother in a little brother:) We had our ultrasound last Saturday and we were able to see little boy Lauffer in all his glory. What a joy to see this healthy baby on the screen and let the excitement and anticipation grow for the day we will get to meet him.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Micah Faces

I know I've posted about Micah's faces before, but he is such a ham! His latest is he'll turn to us with his face scrunched up and we mimic, or we will look at him and scrunch our own face and he'll mimic. Truly, it cracks me up! This kid is hilarious.

Friday, December 2, 2011

20 weeks is here.

I am halfway there! It's been a bit of a rough pregnancy, seeing that I'm still experiencing sick days and have had some major cramping issues occurring. I'm getting good days mixed in with the bad, however, and know it's all worth it because I'm growing a little human being inside my belly! So when I hit the 20 week mark yesterday, I realized I'm getting closer and closer to Micah's sibling becoming a reality. We get to find out the sex soon, and plan to announce it via our Christmas cards - so all should know soon enough:)

The picture below shows me at 20 weeks with Micah, and then with this baby. I'm clearly bigger this time around:) but I guess that's bound to happen seeing that my belly was stretched out pretty large last time around, haha. It's not so bad at this point, but knowing how large I will be getting in the next 20 weeks seems a bit frightening to think about. Oh well - such is life!

18 months!

Wow - 1 1/2 years old - can't believe that's where Micah is now! He's such a big boy and we have enjoyed all 18 months of his life. We have entered a not-so-fun toddler stage where he'll be happy go lucky one minute and then totally melting down the next, but the doctor said that verbal explosion usually happens between 18 months and 2 years. Once he's able to communicate more clearly, those temper tantrums should start to will be nice when we get there, but even so we're figuring out how to handle them.

I just wanted to share his doctor stats from his check-up yesterday.

19.7 inches head circumference = 95% head
26.4 pounds = 60% weight
33 inches = 72% height

Due to the fact that he's only at 8 teeth, that puts him developmentally at the 14-15 month range. And according to my doctor (assuming I understood her correctly) there's some type of correlation between teeth development and height...which I think means she was trying to say he's going to be tall. We'll see in due time if that holds true, but we are definitely glad to see him growing in height lately.

We love you sweet Micah and can't believe in less than 5 months you're going to be a big brother!

Reading is so fun to do!

Micah is a huge reader! If given the choice, he would have us read to him most of his waking hours:) Lately, as we have been working on more independent play, he has also grown to reading to himself. Last weekend we set him up in a chair, gave him 15 library books, and let him go to town.

Today Micah was taking one of his books and reading it aloud. There are literally 3 words in the entire book: hug, Bobo (a baby monkey) and Mommy. Although he's not right on with the words in the book, he does a pretty good job of reading it to himself and uses the same inflection in his voice that Christian and I do when reading it to him. Love that boy:)