Monday, February 25, 2013

10 months, baby Reid!

Wow - just 2 months away from a year.  How is that possible???  My baby boy is just continuing to blossom and grow and I'm more in love with him than ever.  He is such a smiley, happy little boy and just brightens the room.  I feel like, with his big boy haircut (and he's actually ready for yet another!) he looks so much more grown up and not my baby boy anymore.  Probably the highlight of this month is how well Reid is doing in the car, compared to his early months.  We took a trip to St.Louis while Christian was in AUSTRALIA!!, and he did great!  Minor crying/meltdowns, and he actually slept for 1.5 hours on the way back...which is huge, as it's by far the longest he's ever slept at one time in the car. 



"Now, am I done?  I want to see what big brother's doing in my bed!"

Things to remember:
  • How you've become a pro at walking with a push toy this month and cruising along all furniture...which means what??  When will you actually start walking on your own? :)
  • How you love to flip off my lap, throwing your head back even if I'm not encouraging it.
  • How huge your appetite is!  It seems like I could be feeding you all just love to eat, and all table foods too.
  • How sweet you were for your dedication...what a special day.
  • How you hit a rough spot at night, waking around 4:30/4:45 and I couldn't figure out why and how to get you back to sleep...but that didn't last too long, and you are back to sleeping relatively well!
  • How amazing you did in the car traveling to Nana Kay and Papa C's, as well as sleeping in your own crib there.  Aside from the times I let you get overtired, you were a champion sleeper.
  • How much you love to climb on things.  Dishwasher door, gate, fridge - whatever you can get your hands on. 
  • How much you love to make a bee line for the fridge when it's open, the pantry when it's open, the dishwasher when it's down...basically, whatever is off limits, you name it and you love it.  Funny, funny boy!
  • How you love to keep your finger in your mouth.
  • How much you love to drop things on the ground and watch them fall, constantly! 
  • How you have even stood for a few seconds on your own a couple of times this month.
  • How you started throwing little temper tantrums when things don't go your way.
  • How you wave "bye-bye" as well as have started saying it as well. 

We love you baby Reid!  Bring on 11 months :)

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Flipping Fun

If you can tell differences in personality this young, I'm guessing Reid will be our more adventurous child.  He truly isn't scared by much and seems seek out thrills :)  I love it - and reminds me of how my brother and I might have been growing up, as well as a difference in Christian and myself.

One of his thrill seekers right now is flipping off my lap.  He loves to throw his head back, making him upside down until he hits the ground.  Sometimes I have a hard time actually keeping him sitting up straight on my lap!  Christian took two different picture sequences, both of which are below.  Such a silly, silly boy :)


In addition to his thrill seeking games, Reid is also all about touching things he shouldn't, or making a bee line for something off limits (dishwasher, fridge, pantry, toilet water if the seat is neglected to be closed)!  This kiddo moves so fast it's hard to catch him in time, thus the barricade you see below.  You gotta do what you gotta do, right?

Push Toy, baby!

Reid is walking!!!  Well, with a push toy that is :)  He started late last month, and over the course of this month he has become a real pro at it...even showing bouts of straight up frustration tantrums when falling with his toy.  It's great to see him growing and makes me wonder when he'll be taking those first steps without the toy...


 Cleary, I have no excitement for Reid's walking in the pictures below, lol.
"What, Daddy?  So I fell...that's okay.  I'll get it again!"

"See?  I told you, I got this!"

"Now, why won't this chair get out of my way?!!?"

 And here's how Reid did feel about falling down and that stinkin' chair!

 Micah has really enjoyed "walking" with his toy as well, and racing with Reid.  I just love watching them interacting with each other (when it's not just me referring!!)
Either Reid is super quick, or Micah let him have a bit of a head start, haha.

Like I said, I'll be interested to see when he's taking those first steps without the toy!  I can't believe he's turning 10 months tomorrow!  Agh, where does time go??

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Big Boys

Micah has been doing great with his potty training.  He's completely out of diapers, and wearing pull-ups at nap and bed time, though most days I feel we could take those away too.  That is, of course, until he has a pooping episode in his pull-up after numerous attempts to go on the potty.  One day while getting him dressed, however, he insisted on putting his big boys over his pants.  While I tried to discourage him, I thought, what would it hurt?  So I let Mr. Independent have his way.  Silly little boy :)


And because he's been doing so awesome, he got a present for his success on the potty...a new set of fireman raincoat and rain boots.  So proud of my boy!  Now, if only the #2 part of training could come along a little bit easier for him...

Dedication Day!

The baby of the hour, waking up in the morning :)

What a joyous day it is, dedication day!  It took us a little longer to get Reid's dedication scheduled than when we did Micah's, but it doesn't make the day any less special.  Reid has been such a blessing to our family and we humbly and obediently presented him back to the Lord today, pledging publicly to raise him with Christ as the center.  We were accompanied by Christian's parents and my mom,  though unfortunately my dad had to stay back to be with my grandma.  Overall it was a great day and one we will not forget. :)  We love you so much Reid Daniel!  Happy Dedication Day.






And, back home after the big morning, checking out some pictures on the blog with Grandma.