Monday, February 28, 2011

9 months...amazing!

"Here we go again, Mickey!"
"What are you trying to get me to do, Momma?"
"Seriously, why are you making those funny faces?"
"Okay, now that one was actually funny!"
"You switched sides...but that's okay, because you're still pretty funny:)"

I feel like I write this every month, but it's been such a great month with Micah, and a very big month developmentally! He went from learning how to crawl last month to cruising around the house like he's been doing it forever this month. From crawling up the stairs to pulling up on everything to walking with the assistance of a toy, Micah is growing so quickly and learning so much on a daily basis.

Doctor stats: 19.7 pounds (38%), 28 inches (44%) and 18.8 head circumference (92%)

Hmmm...what wrong with the above stats?!? :) Micah's weight and height percentiles keep falling, yet his head circumference isn't budging from the 90+ percentile, haha. Seriously though, I asked my doctor if we should be concerned about Micah's weight and height (both of which started in the 93 and 75 percentiles, respectively), but she said definitely least as of right now. He seems to be healthy and developing just as he should!

Things to remember:
  • how you started pulling up on everything in sight (and with that comes lots of falls, but you have learned to anticipate that fall and are doing better at bracing for it or placing your hand down to help you)
  • how you love to give mommy kisses, especially after I've been gone and returned
  • how you have started to have a bit of separation anxiety...thankfully not with daddy...but you cried the last two weeks we dropped you off at nursery, at Miss Noelle's and with Dr. Natalie today
  • how you had your first taste of Chipotle, fish and many other foods
  • how you have become a pro at crawling up the stairs
  • how you learned how to walk with your toy just 3 days shy of turning 9 months...wonder what I'll be writing next month, and if you might be learning how to walk on your own...
  • how you are starting to become a much better day time sleeper, and are still holding your own with your night time sleep (even though we had a 3 week time span of 5:10am awakenings...but then I moved you up a diaper size at night time, and that seemed to do the trick)
  • how talkative you are throughout different times of the day, not saying any words too clearly yet, although "dada" comes out quite often
  • how sweet your smile is (with your 2 teeth showing through), especially through pieces of food because you are so happy to be eating
We love you so much Micah baby! You are already 75% of the way through your first year of life, and although I can't imagine life without you as you are a significant part of our family, it also doesn't feel like you should be this close to your first birthday. Happy 9 months sweet boy. :)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Frodo Fun

Or at least with his toy, that is. Over the years I have come to realize that cats and kids have a lot of similarities (that coming from a person who loves who don't, might have differing opinions:)). One of those similarities is in the toys that they share, whether intentional or not. Many friends' kids, when coming to visit, have loved one toy in particular and yesterday Micah was able to partake in that same fun even though I tried to (unsuccessfully) hide it under the couch!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Breakfast time with Micah

"Breakfast time, eh?"
"Yum, yum!"
"Now that looks like something I may like..."
"Really, what is this? I haven't really had this much before!"
"I will conquer you raisin! I love you food!"
"Hmm, what's outside?"
"Now, where was I?"
"That's right...raisin, get in my mouth."
"Thanks for the yummy breakfast, Daddy!"

Friday, February 25, 2011

Baby Steps x2

Another video later from today that captures just a little more of Micah's walking attempts:)

Baby Steps

Just a small glimpse, but this was Micah's first real attempt at walking across the room with his toy (thus the excitement in my voice:)). I missed the first 10 seconds or so running and grabbing the flip, but he's starting to work on it! Soon, this boy is really going to be keeping me on my toes:)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Kisses from Micah

I feel like I've done a post about this before...long ago, like when Micah was 2 weeks old or something , haha! Lately Micah has started to give real hugs and kisses with me. So, maybe not real hugs and kisses, but he has started to open his mouth and pull my face towards his as well as give me pressure at times when I squeeze him. Absolute best thing in the world to feel your son actually responding to your hugs and love and kisses. I can't wait for more to come in the future!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


So, this might be a stretch, but I realized I was on a fruit of the spirit kick so I thought I'd continue it, haha!

Last weekend we actually went out for a walk...not that spring is here, but it felt so nice to be outside for just a little bit with Micah and not be absolutely freezing. Christian and I are both amazed to see how much he's grown since he was last in the stroller! He actually looks like he fits in the stroller now :). The walk was short and sweet, but it gave me a taste of what is to come this spring and summer. I can't wait!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Too much! Micah is too much sometimes:) Today was quite a fussy day with our little boy due to his early awakenings (right around 5 am going on 3 weeks now, ughh!). That means he's not well rested and more tired and needy when he's awake...this morning was one of those mornings that both Christian and I were wishing he would just take a 4 hour nap to make up for his lack of sleep. EVERYTHING was sending him in to melt down mode and there was not much we could do. Well, 4 hour naps were not on the agenda as his morning nap was only 1 hour and afternoon was 1.25 hours. When he woke up from his afternoon nap, he seemed to be in a good mood, and thus is the background of this video.

I don't really know (sometimes) what causes the laughter or not in kids, but this was the most I have ever heard Micah giggling. Before we grabbed the camera, he was crying from laughing so hard! Now that's a cry I don't mind seeing:) So much joy!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I love my son. I love him more than I knew I could love a little person. He brings such joy to my life, each and every day.
  • I love how he smiles after he sneezes, like it's the best feeling in the world.
  • I love how he uses me as a jungle gym because he just wants to be next to me.
  • I love how he is so excited when he sees me or Christian after one (or both) of us have been gone.
  • I love how he giggles and giggles when he's with Christian and I follow them up the stairs.
  • I love how HE loves his bath time.
  • I love how happy he gets right before bed time.
  • I love his smile, with his 2 tiny, little teeth showing through.
  • I love how he can't get enough to eat and literally shoves grapes and puffs and yogurt melts in his mouth with fistfuls, and then tries to smile through all the food because he's so happy.
  • I love how he bounces up and down on his knees or bootie when he is eating because it's so yummy and satisfying.
  • I love how he lights up when turning around and looking at me from his car seat while I am driving - as if he all of a sudden he realizes I'm in the car and can't wait to catch a glimpse.
  • I love how happy he is (most of the time) and how blessed I am to be his mommy.
  • I love how he snuggles up in the corner of his crib while sleeping, as if finding security from the largeness of the bed.
  • I love how sweet and innocent he is when he sleeps and how badly I just want to scoop him up and hold him and never let him go.
  • I love how he has just started to give me hugs and show affection for me; one of the best feelings in the world!!
  • I love how he will do something (such as climb the stairs or pull up on the ottoman) and then look around for the well-deserving praise from me and smile with such pride when given.
I love my little boy and love watching him learn so much on a daily basis. I just wish time could halt periodically so that we could enjoy each stage he's in for just a while longer!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Our Little Climber

Micah has started climbing up the stairs in the last week or so, and today he actually made it all the way up the flight. 13 stairs, plus 2 landings...his motivation? Why Frodo, of course:) This video captures him on his 4th climb of the day and is midway through the climb. He's so proud of himself when he gets to the top, and if you listen closely you can hear Frodo's bell jingling at the end.

Knock on Wood

Micah has been an AMAZING napper this week! I don't know if he's just FINALLY figuring things out, or if he's taking me on a wild ride this week, but I'm loving it! I have to document then, because it may never happen again, haha.

Monday: 2 hours and 40 minutes and 1 1/2 hours
Tuesday: 1 1/2 hours and 1 hour
Wednesday: 1 1/2 hours and 1 1/2 hours
Thursday: 2 hours and 40 minutes and 1 hour
Friday: 2 hours and 20 minutes and 30 minutes (we had to have one that wasn't an hour or over, right?)

Seriously amazing though...any of you who have followed the blog or talked to me personally know that Micah's naps have typically been quite short (that intruder thing, remember?) so I am feeling pretty impressed for his sleeping patterns this week. Who knows if it will follow suit next week, but I have learned to be pleased with whatever I get! Knock on Wood though...

Monday, February 7, 2011

My boys

Micah was getting ready for his nap, and thus in a state of calmness (ie, zoning out) and I caught this picture with him and Christian. How sweet - my two boys. I feel like the most blessed girl ever:)

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Last weekend we dealt with blood from the mouth, this time it's a nice red mark, soon to turn into a big bruise, I'm sure. Mr. Micah was crawling around our living room and came across the remote that was on the entertainment center. Up he stood to grab the remote, and then down he went, headfirst, into the hard wood. I'm sure the is the first of many to come...and I know babies are meant to have bumps and bruises along the way as they become more and more curious about their surroundings...I just have to make sure I'm prepared to deal with it:)

On another note, here's an updated video of Micah at the stairs, this time successfully getting onto the landing. I was able to capture his 2nd successful attempt! Poor Frodo...he's seriously not sure what to think of this mobile Micah.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow of the Century - Blizzard 2011

Well, the weather conditions from last night and today were like none I've experienced before! I'm not sure the exact totals of the blizzard that swept through our area last night through mid-morning today, but it was somewhere between 15-24 inches. The drifts were probably the most crazy thing about this storm, because some areas were completely covered by snow (such as the area right outside our garage) but then out our front door there was very minimal snow.

This storm falls in #3 in the most snowfall totals for Chicagoland. The official snowfall reading comes from O'Hare, which measured at 20.2". This is definitely a storm I will remember, especially considering my 8 month old baby and I were at home alone, while my husband was stranded in San Francisco, California (rough life, I know! :)). He was supposed to take a red-eye back Tuesday night/Wednesday morning which was literally in the peak of the storm - and clearly that wasn't happening. O'Hare was completely shut down all day today, so we are just praying he actually gets out of Cali and back home tomorrow safe and sound.

Below are some pictures that I took from inside my house today. Although it's truly hard to capture what I saw without actually going outside, hopefully it gives you a little taste of the incredibleness of the storm.

This was the snow drift we saw waking up (yes that is a camping chair that has yet to come off our balcony...oops!)
Hard to completely tell, but the wind gusts were up to 50+ mph.
At least a good 3-4 feet of snow with the drifts, being plowed away from our driveway. Thank you association! Finally good to see our monthly dues be put to use.
The morning after the big we're just waiting for Daddy to make it home safely!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Stair bouncing

Micah's new love is chasing Frodo to the stairs...and I think Frodo loves it because Micah hasn't figured out how to climb the step...yet! He's so close, and I'm sure it will be soon, but for now - Frodo has one safe haven in the house:)